Why does Overwatch need heroes with such low skill floor?

Because if there are going to be any heroes that counter the high mobility heroes, they will of necessity be “low skill”—e.g. non aim-intensive, with the ability to punish a high mobility hero, and not just tickle them.

Heroes like Tracer and Genji are hard to shoot by design. Part of what makes them a strong pick is that even very, very skilled hitscan DPS players have trouble shooting them. They are fast, they are tiny, and they can either bait and dodge basically anything they want to (Tracer) or reflect most of it (Genji).

Before Moira was introduced, Winston was the only real acknowledged counter to Genji, because his leap and damage cone gave him a chance to actually hit him (although this would more often force Genji to run than to kill him). McCree and Hog were both technically counters to Tracer, but she can blink around their stuns as well as she can blink around anything else.

If anything is going to be able to contest highly mobile heroes on roughly equal territory, then they need a reliable means of hitting them, which means easier aim. That easy aim is compensated by limited range and/or damage.

Except Overwatch has always had “easy” characters in it (Mercy, old Sym, old Torb). Demanding that Overwatch contain no low-skill-floor heroes is like complaining that American football has a linebacker position, and why can’t everyone be quarterbacks?

She is literally getting sledgehammer nerfed on the PTR right now.

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Or you could realize that human psychology should be taken into account when developing a game?

It’s not a team game unless you have a 6 stack and LFG is dead.
They added 1 hero limit per team, and they can do the same here.

It would obliterate this stupid goats W + M1 meta

see the difference is overwatch already has “low skill” heroes that dont require aim, so nothing needs to change.
I think “im pompous and egotistical when it comes to ‘skillzz’ in videogames, and I dont like that not everyone plays the game exactly the same way that I do and they should turn this game into Call of Duty!!!1!” is more what youre saying

I play 90% of the game in 6 stack and my experience is Goats get punished severely if you mess up one stun, bubble, heal or speed boost. It is mechanically easy to excute but require practice as a team to be effective against organised teams. Thats my perception on Goats, it require more team practice than let’s say Dive, because Dive in its essence is DPS centred comp and rely on DPSs to keep wining 1v1 duels.

Ok, how is the game not considering psychology? Do you really think all people playing competitive are there to be competitive? Given it is just a game?

Also, why role queue instead of forced 6 stacks? You do realised role queue has just as many problem as the game currently is right?

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I don’t want COD, I don’t have anything against no aim heros. My aim kinda sucks, actually. As I mentioned, I play Rein and Winston. I don’t care what type of skill the character needs, i just want the character to require skill.

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But demanding that the low skill heros be as viable as the high skill heros across all ranks is akin to asking that linebackers have the same amount of camera time on TV as quarterbacks. Also, I don’t want Brig nerfed, I want her reworked to take some type of skill into account.


The football metaphor starts to break down at this point because roles like linebackers are always needed even if they don’t get all the camera time, but in a video game an inherently weaker character is simply not going to be used. Football teams can’t choose to go without a linebacker AFAIK.


I agree. 5% is too much. The game should be balanced around the highest levels of organized play.

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Thank you for being sane. And I’m saying this as a mid plat, average player.


Sure, make all heros equally viable in OWL level. Let’s start with my boy Bastion.

It’s actually happening, Bastion is getting buffed.

probably because not everyone that knows how to play heroes will play ranked. or climb. or bother doing anything besides pubstomping. or maybe not consider smurfs or people that practice on unranked

tracer alone caused brig to be OP. and everyone else suffered too much. shes far too hard to hit. and she can one clip almost any other dps. not to mention she has no problem zooming in and out just to do damage to tanks. shes fine doing that

you don’t see other flankers wanting to be near anywhere near tanks because they are much easier to take down and pin down. tracer is just $hit to deal with

There is when the entire role caters entirely on that design philosophy, i.e. literally all main tanks. There are no high skill cap tanks, and that’s trash design.

You serious?

You’re joking right? You realize the reason xQc streamed Rein and Winston and other tanks and had more viewers than the rest of Twitch Overwatch combined was because… drumroll… people enjoy watching high skill gameplay of those heros?

So what you’re really saying is that this game, that aims to be a competitive e-sport, should make and release heroes on the active roster for the competitive/pro scene, thinking about these minority of people who have some kind of disabilities?

As Altimor said:

Ow is my first fps game, and actually game other than Dragon Age, and if it wasn’t for Mercy and Moira I wouldn’t have ventured out to try and learn new heroes. Even now that I have, I still utilize those “low skill” heroes because I’m not at the level of a lot of people in the game. I’m incredibly thankful that they’re, the characters, here.


because if you played lawbrekers you woudl know why.
That game was supposed to be the OW killer and flopped so badly cuz annihilated its entire new playerbase with its high skill floor and steep learning curve. It was literally dead on arrival.