Why does it take Blizzard always SO LONG to implement any kind of balance change?

Summer games is thursday so you don’t have to wait much longer

I know but I’m impatient. Can’t wait for the summer games…here’s to hoping we get Speedhog and Torbkini!

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you are obviously not a programmer or have any idea what you have to deal with to make sure that one change doesn’t cause a cascade of failures or other unintentional changes. It is not always, and mostly isn’t, a question of just “tweaking numbers”.

On top of all that, they do not necessarily get as much data as they’d like from the PTR because of the low numbers of players that actually test the changes.

This sh/t is not an excuse, there are million of other companies that change patches daily

Even Paladins or Smite, when i played them when someone was really op or some bugs occurred they could change it within hours or max 2 days

So stop with this bs and just accept that Blizz is just the worst and most incompetent company in the market right now.

Because of consoles.

Of course there are things I don’t understand about programming, and an actual game developer should feel free to educate me, since I am curious.

But honestly, few companies have the resources Blizzard has. Other, smaller companies push a new update AT LEAST once a month.

When we had that phase where Mercy was ridiculously OP, and I do not mean slightly overtuned like now, I mean absolutely broken with a >100% pick rate (Mercy players sometimes switched up within the same team, hence above 100% pickrate) it took Blizzard several months to fix that. Absolutely inacceptable if you think it is one of the biggest, most well established gaming companies in the world.

They know 90% of what players say is just players crying because of literally one match or them jumping onto a bandwagon and not knowing what they are talking about.

Anyway if they leave a less important balance for a couple months they will be less complained to and it will slowly die down compared to them changing it every week and still apparently getting it wrong according to the community.

They put their blood, sweat and tears into trying to get something right and keep everyone happy just for someone to complain again, since they are overall people in the end.

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money, contracts, it has to go through multiple distributors.

They have to pay money to Sony/Microsoft to get their patch reviewed. If they did many small patches, they’d have to shell out a ton of money, so they hold on to small patches until the next major patch.

The PTR population took a massive dive once Hammond hit live and very few of the matches didn’t have a Hammond in them before that. As a result, the testing data they have might not have completed as fat as they’d like.

Blizzard may or may not be doing survey’s still for the PTR and those may take time to process.

For Brig, they sent out surveys to random people that spent at least 30 minutes in Quick Play on the PTR.

Finally, the changes over the last year haven’t necessarily gone over well and if it happens too many more times corporate might start looking into things. They likely want to do the best they can to get good results and avoid that happening.

I don’t believe that this is truly the issue, or an issue at all. Digital Extremes (Warframe), a much smaller company than Blizzard, is pushing out updates very often and they just hit a little later on console.

Overwatch is a much more complex balance then anything a small company makes. It also takes quite some time how a change will truly affect the hero.

One Dva change made her a troll pick for a while, then a over powered must pick once people realized the new way to play her.

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They’re too busy with boardroom meetings and coming up with new ways to make money. OWL League, New OWL team expansions, New skins for events, New Maps, New Characters with 40+ skins (OWL skins included), New Voice lines, etc. Everything requires meetings and so forth to make sure everyone is in on point etc.

Blizzard doesn’t like putting out constant patches. They prefer to release one large patch rather than a ton of small ones throughout the week. The main reason is because of console.

They have to have their patches ready within the rules/limitation of Microsoft/Sony. Letting changes on the PTR build up into one large release (or releasing them with an event) is a good way to make sure they aren’t maintaining multiple versions of the game.

They have, numerous times, including Kaplan when talking about PTR changes, etc. There’s been forum posts, videos, etc. There are also whole teams of people that have to work together to release an update, not just one programmer changing a 40 to a 35.8 and pushing it out.

The bigger you are the harder it is to do these things because it is a lot more complicated with a whole lot more people, teams and divisions involved.

Every other video game company does it.

Why does ActiBlizz have to be stupid and clunky about it?