Why does it take Blizzard always SO LONG to implement any kind of balance change?

Sorry, but I do not understand how the support changes are still on PTR. Why would it take so long to push a couple tweaked numbers live? (tweaked numbers for the most part)

This is the case for pretty much everything in OW. If the last balance change broke a hero or created some form of very noticable imbalance, you just KNOW it won’t be fixed within the same season, and sometimes not even the following one.

There are smaller companies that dish out good changes to their game much more frequent. Maybe there is a acceptable reason behind it, but since the release this has been my biggest gripe with this game.


Give Blizzard some time! They are only a small indie dev struggling to come by!


You all now what happens when they fix something fast. Make it worse


They rushed sombra nerfs and she was left buggy and unplayable for like 4 months so

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Because two reasons.

  1. To make sure that everything works well enough.
  2. This is probably the main reason, but they need to release everything alongside console and every patch comes with hoops to jump through.

They make small changes to a number or two that seem pretty common sense, then wait FOREVER to simply put it in the game. It drives me nuts too.

If it’s just a number tweaked, there is no need for bug checking and whatnot.

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Console companies approve patches in record speed nowadays. Those are just excuses Blizzard has made in the past.

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That’s what my understanding of it is.

That only holds true if you assume they actually changed much in PTR. They rarely do for the better. I don’t think many people would argue today that Hammond’s speed nerf before he hit live was needed, for instance. They haven’t touched these support changes since they hit PTR.

Basically they’d just make bad decisions in slow-motion. See also: Sombra.

Because they are focused on releasing content, and esports.

Not making the actual game more playable.

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Sure I mean if they want to make a serious change to a hero, they should take a reasonable amount of time. But more often then not, just a couple tweaked numbers are needed. Why do we need to wait for literal MONTHS for just a couple different damage/healing numbers?

Well do we know what a balancing dev or such thinks and what they have to do? Its probably a bit more complicated than just “ok lets just do this”

Not sure why its on the PTR for so long, tho…?

Technically it takes less than a month for changes to hit live.

Wait, when are the support changes coming live again?

Increasing Brigitte’s shield bash by one second? Giving Lucio 2m more aura? Better let it sit on PTR for a month! The game might break!

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Same time summer games I’m assuming

Yeah poor guys. They only have 100k dollars budget and they are only 10 people in the team.


UUGHHHHHHH alright. I just want my Ana changes! I don’t even play her aside from QP but I just like the idea of saving someone with a nano.

Because…because uh… I don’t know. But I do find it stupid to take 2 months to change just a number and then wait 2-3 weeks more just for it to hit live.