Why does individual player skill have such a small contribution?

More DMG than Heals as Moira, face it, you throw the Game

If you want to rank up, you obviously have to play better than people that are in you rank, you win a match if you play better than the enemy team, you rank up if you win games.
If you play like an average silver, why would you deserve to rank up?

What I’m saying is that being a bit better than others is not enough. You’re still at the mercy of RNG and having to pray to whatever you believe in that this game you won’t get matched with selfish idiots who play a 4 dps comp and refuse to switch even tho they can’t even capture the first objective.

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That’s not true, who’s master is not in that rank because they didn’t find leavers or throwers in their past games, but because they have a good knowledge of the game, a good aim and a good game sense, as I said before if someone is a certain rank, he deserve that rank in 90% of the cases, if someone can’t rank up he can’t just because of his personal skills and not for poor teamwork from his teammates.

The truth is that the matchmaker is extremely good at gauging your skill.

But the other truth it that you get only one SR rating but there are 28? Heroes to choose from. Your skill at each hero is not equal and that is where things tend to fall apart in competitive.

The RNG of what heroes your teammates and enemies are good at is not taken into consideration when it makes teams.

A simple roll preference queue would improve game quality.

  1. That is not the argument that the OP made, he didn’t say a gold can’t carry in Silver, he said anyone getting out of Bronze is luck because personal skill plays so little into the equation.

  2. Yes, If the person can’t express themself to the bastion player without being toxic then they should be punished. Blizzard doesn’t owe people a pass for their lack of social skills. Also Bastion is better on attack than defense.

  3. It’s not competitive, unless you don’t include the people who play it competitively, OWL, Contenders, World Cup, even scrims. You can play Overwatch competitively all you have to do is join a group or discord that does pugs. People are just mad Blizzard isn’t somehow forcing that into existance in their ladder matches, when it already exists and isn’t that hard to find.

  4. What it your team is wrong? What if your whole team wants to trickle into a lost point and wants to report you for staying at point B and telling them to fall back? Should you be punished if they accuse you of throwing?

Is the matchmaking system good at gauging skill?

I was 2171. Some time later, I am 1300.
So when was the matchmaking correct? When was it wrong? How do you know?

It can’t simultaneously be correct and incorrect.

If you play 50+ games per season it is pretty consistent.

Your grade in math in November is a B-
Your grade in the same math class in March is an F.

Both were accurate at the time, but your current grade is where you are currently at. You think one of those two SR numbers has to be incorrect and that is not true.

That’s not how that works at all.
The math class has stayed the same. We are still playing Overwatch.
Your point would be valid if we went from playing Overwatch to say, Call of Duty, because it’s a different game. Your math class isn’t the same all year, but Overwatch is.

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That is how this works.
Overwatch doesn’t stay the same. If you’re playing Overwatch like it has never changed that is probably why your SR dropped.

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You either don’t know math or don’t know Overwatch, which is it?

A person starts playing (insert hero name), during a season where that hero is very strong. That person places in gold, and when their character goes down either through nerfs, or buffs to other characters this person continues to play the exact same way they will drop in SR.

Playing winston in every game when there is an enemy Genji in every game will give better results then playing winston every game when the enemy has a Brigitte every game. You can play exactly the same and get worse results because the game changed around you and you did not adjust.

Yet on your way down you had enough negative influence to make the teams you were on far more likely to lose.

The funny thing is, when people are on their way down in SR, or a lower SR overall, they say “It’s all luck! I can’t have any sway!”

But people on their way up, or in higher SR claim “My teammates had nothing to do with it. I got here because I have skill

Perhaps it’s a combination of both.

In bronze and silver, your chances of increasing within the season are slim, largely due to players leaving matches. You can’t carry with 5 teammates, nonetheless with only 4.

And they aren’t punished for leaving, other than having slightly reduced SR (which they were going to receive anyway from the loss they were about to experience, so why not leave sooner?)

I’m pretty sure I played with this guy on his way down a week or so ago. The name is familiar. Apologies if not.

Starts off the game by saying that he is on a losing streak even though he is carrying with 4 golds a game but matchmaking keeps giving him bad teams.

Reminds team of his golds at half-time tilting everyone. I guess we are just to heavy to ‘carry’.

Orisa needs healing on the payload. Where’s Moira? Running down the street on route 66 towards the attacker spawn chasing picks.

Was 2171 your very first placement? Accounts that place in comp for the very first time tend to place somewhere in the median (2300ish), maybe lower or higher. I’m guessing you fell out of 2000s very quickly after completing placements.

Download the Oversumo app and it can show you a barometer of where you’re at in comparison to others at your rank. And don’t take the game so seriously

Oversumo? Good call. Haven’t heard of it but I’ll look at it now – thanks!