I’m assuming you’ve never done a youtube search for “bronze to grandmaster”. It’s been done to death.
When I search it just now the first video is IDDQD
He wins the first match trolling with Torb’s hammer and talking about how hard he’s not trying. Spoiler: he goes up 1300 SR in this five and a half hour video
I guess your’re talking about Moira as it’s easy to get medals with her. When your a silver tho and you lie about your medals that’s another level of sad. 16 games Moira 16 gold medals. Wheres the getting 4 golds in 5 categories you claim you achieve? You should look at your game, playing a healer and too focused on damage. You average 6.3k healing a game and 5.8k damage
that happens to me ALLLLLLL THE TIME… its like you completely stomp a team and they are so freaking bad… then the next game they are on your team and cause a loss
The “I play healer and I carry every game” excuse is a little bit old
I say that because when I was gold I used that excuse
If you’re in a certain rank you deserve it in 90% of the cases, stop complaining about teammates, focus on your own gameplay and you’ll get better day after day.
Record your game and watch you matches and then ask yourself, did I survived just because I’m playing against a bunch of sacks of potatoes?/ would I be alive in higher ranks?
All of you “pro” players seem to have only one solution.
The player has to play as if he’s 2 divisions higher than he actually is in order to climb. Don’t you see that’s the problem?
If I gotta play like Diamond to get out of Silver then something is broken and needs to change.
You probably didn’t get me, I never said that you have to play like a diamond in silver, I mean if you are below gold ranking up is pretty easy, many silver players are not braindead or something, they can’t rank up because they’re making some big mistakes, like going 1v6, not regrouping or don’t understand what is a teamfight or a general knowledge of the heroes.
Ranking from plat to diamonds is not that easy because you have just to get better, nothing else, I mean, you need to have a good aim, positioning and game sense, things that in low plat are not necessary.
I’m not a “pro” player, I’m 3300 sr, which is relatively low
But you have to, because you can’t control the other 5 people on your team who make those mistakes, you can’t force others to group up when they refuse, you can’t stop people from randomly leaving or going AFK.
The only thing you can do is play 2 divisions higher and hopefully carry. And that’s the problem.
You’re 1/12 people in that game, and the only way to influence it in a major way is to be vastly superior to the other 11 (and still hope your team has at least some motivation to play instead of doing their best to screw you over)
You have 3000 healing in 8 minutes time, 1/3 of it is self healing.
Also, your do about 160 average damage per elimination.
And that is without calculating any trash damage.
Very likely you just tickle the enemy and somebody else kills them, you still gain an elimination for that kill.
If you want to improve (increase SR), I suggest posting a VOD
Yes, that’s true, but I was talking about an “average” match without leavers.
You don’t have to carry a match in order to win it.
You’re basically saying that everyone is trash except yourself and you have to carry your team every game in order to win, well that’s not true, especially in bronze/silver/gold where doesn’t win who plays better, but who does less mistakes.
I’m not saying that, I’m not sure how you got to that conclusion.
I’m just saying that an average player won’t have that much of an impact in the game with 11 other average players, the only way to have a major impact is to be way better than others.
But you’re comparing two ends of the spectrum. Can a gold DPS carry silver games when someone leaves or throws?
No, they can’t. You have to play at least 2 divisions higher than your MMR to make up for stuff like that and that’s where the problem is.
Blizzard doesn’t punish people who troll and throw and try to derank, you can do anything in this game other than insult people. Bursting someone’s safe space is a no no but throwing ranked games is fine.
Picking a Bastion on the attack and not doing anything is perfectly acceptable, but telling him that he’s an idiot will get you punished.
This is not a competitive game, this is a game for casuals with a “competitive” mode added on with no intention of making that mode actually competitive.
Imagine how different this game would be if people actually got punished for refusing to work with their team?
Competitive would be a different beast if you were not allowed to say “f**k you” to 5 of your teammates and do random stuff.
The best thing to improve one’s self at a low rank is to practice a range of characters in QP probably McCree , junk and pharah.
They are like rock paper scissors, junk can counter McCree, McCree can counter Pharah and Pharah can counter junk.
Having a increase set of characters you can play will help you counter the enemy.
If you want to improve your core fighting ability with a particular character, look for 1v1’s in arcade.
Note: regardless of how many times you may die keep trying, its the only way you can improve.