Why does FTH need to do 300 damage?

Because people will pick him when they’re already being stomped beyond the point of recovery and expect to turn it around that quickly, which is why his win rate is low. They found teams in OWL which picked Cassidy from the beginning had like a 63% win rate. Smaller sample size and much better players, but it still kinda says something.


I really wish they went for that. FTH is such a cheese ability and a lot of cassidy mains don’t like it anyways.

Yep! Here are the stats :nerd_face:
When picked for whole match: 60% Winrate
When picked for partial match: 44% winrate

I’d say the gap would be even bigger on ladder.

Whole thing:

name winrate for whole match winrate for partial match full matches played % % played in partial games
Soldier: 76 0.48 0.45 0.02 0.18
Genji 0.49 0.47 0.11 0.39
Doomfist 0.50 0.46 0.05 0.13
Reaper 0.51 0.45 0.11 0.39
Lúcio 0.51 0.44 0.33 0.33
Tracer 0.51 0.45 0.16 0.28
Winston 0.52 0.45 0.30 0.48
Moira 0.53 0.43 0.16 0.29
Echo 0.53 0.45 0.23 0.58
D.Va 0.53 0.42 0.49 0.61
Ana 0.54 0.46 0.18 0.40
Sombra 0.54 0.46 0.15 0.33
Zenyatta 0.55 0.45 0.39 0.62
Ashe 0.55 0.48 0.18 0.53
Wrecking Ball 0.56 0.43 0.03 0.12
Zarya 0.56 0.46 0.25 0.54
Baptiste 0.56 0.46 0.23 0.43
Brigitte 0.57 0.45 0.29 0.59
Reinhardt 0.57 0.44 0.21 0.47
Sigma 0.58 0.42 0.37 0.66
Mercy 0.58 0.45 0.19 0.59
Mei 0.59 0.47 0.16 0.46
McCree 0.60 0.44 0.03 0.32
Pharah 0.61 0.47 0.05 0.32
Torbjörn 0.62 0.52 0.04 0.31
Widowmaker 0.64 0.49 0.06 0.34
Orisa 0.65 0.44 0.17 0.50
Hanzo 0.68 0.44 0.04 0.25
Roadhog 0.69 0.48 0.06 0.32
Junkrat 0.74 0.52 0.02 0.35
Symmetra 0.83 0.52 0.00 0.05
Bastion 1.00 0.47 0.00 0.19


Cass performs well at high skill levels because of consistent headshots, not FTH. That’s probably why they nerfed his range and buffed him in other ways.

The reason FTH does 300 damage is 'fork you tanks" and Blizz has yet to demonstrate they give the slightest beetle dung crap about it.


Yeah I know, it’s just frustrating seeing mccree mains preach his low winrate as reasoning for buffs like it’s the freaking 11th commandment from God. Not talking about OP here with that, but you run into it endlessly on here.


I think that this is a rather popular opinion and while I agree, I don’t personally think that any cheesiness or such should be considered towards balancing of said ability which is why I’m against nerfing it since it’s already fine-lining the balance of it being an actual ability or training wheels option. If it was an issue in the lower tiers that’d be another story obviously, but since that isn’t the case the rework would be the way to do a change towards the ability

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That’s a fair point, I can agree with that.

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Because they rebalanced the game to punish triple tank, or tried to, then switched to double tank role queue, then forgot to delete all the tank busting they added to fight triple tank.


Probably for a few reasons

  1. Cassidy has a big hitbox, no self sustain & poor mobility, so his strength is being deadly. His primary fire in close range is not good.
  2. FtH is RNG so you’re not guaranteed to hit anything that isn’t a tank or within 5m of you
  3. Doomfist/tanks/barriers

You haven’t played Cassidy once if you believe this.

A double nerf? :laughing: You don’t play Cassidy at all do you


I’m not too sure what is the focus of this post as it refers to multiple subjects but if to try and answer some of the questions.

At the beginning of the game at least to me, it seems that pretty smartly they wanted to focus less on role countering and more on general countering.

Instead of heroes countering others because of roles they counter them because of kits.

So for Mccree for example his kit makes it possible something like Winston but not too great against stuff like Orisa or Hog.

You can see the same thing with other heroes like Widow who can counter Hog or Zarya but not Sigma or Orisa, or Bastion who can counter Reinhardt or Zarya but not D.va or Hog.

So overall the focus of Mccree was more brawly, having both higher defenses AND damage but lacking the speed and range to actually gain anything from it if the enemies play from range.

Only effective up close,big body with big head and low mobility.

Each hero especially from the original ones tend to focus more on a specific job being good for some stuff but bad for others.

Mccree’s job is being an anti aggression hero. stopping aggressive heroes and punishing them while being weaker to slower heroes that take their time and risk much less.

Just to give another example, Tracer’s original job was to make it harder for aim based heroes such as Widow or Hanzo that shoot pretty slowly and need to aim carefully and so are pretty weak to something that is hard to hit due to hit speed and small body.

But if you go for something like Rein,Torb,Moira etc… that doesn’t need to aim that much, she can be a free kill a lot of time (at least by design).

The simple answer to that is the devs ignoring Bastion for who knows what reason.

There are many ways to fix or at least help Bastion to be better but the devs just ignore it…
I wish I knew why but I know that this is for sure not ok.
My personal idea for Bastion:

  • Make normal primary fire more consistent.

  • Shrink its size, Torb’s turret is easy to hit and it’s smaller, no need to make it tank size.

  • Make configurations switch faster. The fact you make it unfluid for the hero to move is already enough of a punishment, no need to make it dead just because something it could easily react to was aimed at it.

  • Increase the ult damage from 205 up to 255, in return they can reduce splash damage, make the shots slower or just decrease duration but overall, it should be a one shot punishment for squishies.

  • If all else fails, I guess extra armor or extra resistance is always an option… Although I do think the energy orbs they can it can be interesting against snipers although replacing self heal is not a good step in my opinion.

I think the devs just try to make the game more and more “normal fps” like scgo.
where all heroes are general and can win the others.
Which is why they tend to buff (or at least keep viable) high aim based heroes while pretty much ignoring “low aim low excitement” heroes such as Mei or Bastion.

It’s a shame, but the devs had more than enough time to understand what they do don’t help the game. It’s not too problematic making the weaker heroes viable (or at least more viable) yet not op but if they want to switch the direction for the game, not much we as a community can do except complaining and eventually leaving if we don’t like it anymore

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Because if you allowed McCree to live long enough to get that close to you and spray you with FtH, you deserve to go to respawn room. Imagine having hard times killing a slow dude with a big hitbox and letting him get close to your team lol.

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What it says is people stay on him if they are winning and switch off him if they are losing. This is the same with every hero. Why so focused on a single hero when every hero shows the exact same stat? It only shows your bias.

here is the real question
why does FTH need to exist?
remove the ability and it improves the game:

  • high sr cassidy and hitscan players say they rarely use it its not needed
  • removing it lowers shieldbreak/tank busting
  • raises the skill floor on Cassidy so you don’t get up to plat and realize “oh…FTH mercy pocket doesn’t work anymore”
  • makes tank more enjoyable to play

I mean he can survive a Bastion rocket directly in the face and that’s a problem.

I think it was supposed to be a means of a last-ditch effort when dueling at close range, but that was when McCree only had things like Tracer and Genji to worry about?

Honestly, I wouldn’t mind seeing Fan the Hammer have less damage AND his weapon being like Ashe’s (reloading bullet by bullet) so as to give Combat Roll more prominence in use aside from mostly movement

FTH is unreliable and against any non tanks, you will fail bullets unless you are really close.
Its very underwhelming and unless you couple that with Flashbang, you are better off just doing 2 regular shots, one of them being in the head.

If all bullets hitting (because not always is the case, nor it is used with 6 bullets always) do 200, 250 ish damage, then many players get away and live on a range they should not survive vs FOTH.

And yes, it takes skill against any non tank. Try to nail all the bullets vs a non tank, no barrier from 10 mt away. You will be shocked.

FTH range isn’t short what are you on?

Because he must catch them all.

Flankers? Got em.

Brawlers? Got em.

Fliers? Got em.

He needed FTH for tanks.

If he gets Long Range hitscan, he will catch them all and be a Pokémon master.

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655 damage combo with flash fth roll fth melee

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To hit all six shots against a player, especially a squishy? Yes, it is.