Why does FTH need to do 300 damage?

300 damage, if he’s 20m or closer once every 2.3 seconds (fan time+ reload) and if the enemy team doesn’t shred him as he’s so close to the shield.

So many people like you love to state the numbers without the context of a match and 6 enemies shooting at him… :upside_down_face: :rofl:


Someone on the dev team is a cowboy main. Only logical explanation

Oh good lord, whatever will we do. The 2nd best DPS is better than the 3rd best dps in the game - pray for unending buffs to the “F tier” cowboy to fix this great injustice in balancing.

I see you got another account to spout your food poisoning garbage all over the forums again <3


bro im genji mains

i hate mcree, as much as you

but we need to be fair, he kinda one of the worst winrate dps in the game accross all rank

while im having trouble playing against him as genji, i dont have any problem with him while playing other hero or tank / support


That winrate argument is dead my dude. You can’t have sustained pickrates like that across ALL ranks for YEARS and not be good. He would have been dropped like yesterday’s garbage at high rank if he was really that bad.


for comparison rein and ana picked alot, even more picked compared to cassidy, and both of them have positive winrates

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It’s been debated to DEATH and it just doesn’t add up. If his winrate was actually that bad, his mains would be dropping like flies out of high rank. Yet they continue to pick him. Non stop. In every game. In every game mode.


if it doesnt add up, then u have any other data to proof it? or it is just your feeling

2019 mcree was also pick alot more, back then when he dont have 6 buff given to him, his pickrate actually double from current pickrate, despite having him have 42% winrate in GM, while 2nd lost winrate hero was 48% (i believe it was hanzo back then)


He is supposed to be antiflank, without fth he isn’t going deny Winston dives.

He would need to ping 3 hs followed by a shot to get Winston, when he dives on him.


Why would I need stats to back it up? You’ve literally provided them, it’s basic maths. If he’s losing significantly more games than he’s winning, then he isn’t going to be staying in high ranks for very long - and as a result, his pickrate would plummet. Why would players continue to pick a character that they consistently lose games with? Especially the ones that put the time into this game to grind to the highest ranks. It doesn’t make sense.

Overbuff stats obviously aren’t accurate. And if his true winrate stats are actually that low, and that’s the reason the devs continually buff him, then it still just doesn’t add up. Because adding 25hp to him doesn’t make him so unbelievably fun & popular that he becomes one of the most picked dps at every single rank. Nobody has been able to provide reasoning for that point. You can call his pickrate popularity but it doesn’t explain how his players continue to stay in high rank.


This is wrong. Cass gets picked more often than the most picked support and Tank.

We have 7 supports but 17 DPS heroes and RoleQueue.

If Cass has a 3.5 pr while being a DPS he would have a ~7.2 pr if he were a support.


My guess is FTH will either be reworked or removed in OW2. A tank buster can’t exist in a game with only 1 tank…

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Honestly I think it would be fine if he also didn’t have flash bang. The combination of the two makes for some real cheese game play.

I think they are pretty accurate, it’s just that winrate math is flawed.
There are infinite variables to consider, but some examples of variables which effect winrate math:

  • Counterpicking in an already losing game (very common with cassidy/sombra)
  • The opposite obviously, picking a hero in an already winning game (some heroes are more fun when stomping)
  • Niche heroes being picked in specific situations
  • Playtime of that hero, you can have a shorter match, win, but if you have a longer match and lose, you will have a negative winrate
  • Every hero affects others winrates, leading to a snowball kind of effect.

There’s a couple more, but I legit can’t think cuz it’s like 5am (my body decided to wake me up randomly at 2am).


Cassidy still have better effective range than the majority of heros on the game


I’m fine if he can do like 250dmg and fth have a cooldown.


That means that it needs to be able to compete with the damage you’d get during flash bang in comparison to headshotting the target you just stunned. As long as it passes that threshold, which sits at around 300 damage, it is an actual ability. That’s why it can’t do less damage


Does it necessarily have to be related to flashbang though? I mean most cassidys even double HS right now with flash, the main reason FTH is so good is shield/tank busting, not generally with flashbang.

I.e a winston dives your backline, you fth + roll + fth, pump out 600 damage.


It used to be alot more at 720 per fth roll fth. Fth is fine imo

Well flashbang gives the frame of time for the in terms of the S in DPS of it’s design. When it comes to double headshotting higher tiered players go for that because while it’s slightly less burst DPS, it gives them a 4 ammo advantage which results in more overall damage across a longer period of time. FTH isn’t even that good for tank busting against tanks that aren’t hugging their barriers when you’re in melee range. Mostly that goes for a Sigma/Rein/Ball you just flashbanged so you get more damage in before the SUCC (which ties to flashbang again) or when you chase a Winston who just jumped you like you said

However considering his kit, I’d say that it’s completely unacceptable for his FTH to be solemnly a “shield breaking ability” and again lowering the damage of it would even make it less effective against that too. I just simply don’t see any kind of way where FTH’s damage could be lowered without it being just extremely unreasonable. It’d have to be reworked in some kind of a way for it to be an actual ability and not just a training wheels option for him, that they’d never go for