Why Does Everyone Hate Double Shield?

“Orisa shield broken, Sigma shield broken, Orisa no fortify, Sigma no grasp, Orisa no Halt, Orisa shield broken, Sigma shield broken, Orisa not fortify, destroy lamp!, Orisa no Halt, Orisa shield broken, Sigma shield broken, Orisa not fortify, Sigma no grasp, shield our lamp, Orisa no Halt break Orisa shield, break Sigma shield, Orisa low, Orisa no fortify, our Bap is dead, regroup.”
In scrims it can be fun at the highest elo, but in ranked its just anoying becauce the fight need so damn long and you cant turn a fight around like in other comps. Low action, long fights, low Fps aspects = not fun for many players


Its not like you dont play Widow in Doubleshield (In Doubleshield mirror ofcauce less)

Almost nonexistent. Before the shield nerfs, when Orisa and Sigma was at their strongest. The two top tanks were Orisa and Reinhardt. At the time when the other tanks got nerfed into the ground by the goats nerfs, when Orisa had the best partner (Sigma), the most she can do was just get on par with Reinhardt.

Double shield pre shield nerf was in fact, the most diverse the tanks have been in 2-2-2. Orisa didn’t start pulling ahead until Diamond. The two top tanks were both main tanks, but they didn’t work well together, and so ended up getting paired with every other tank instead.

And even tho Double Shield wasn’t an issue for the overwhelming majority of the playerbase, they nerfed Orisa’s shields and buffed her fortify, turning her from Bunker, into a brawler. By January, Reinhardt and Zarya were starting to dominated the ladder.

But that wasn’t enough, and they flat out nerfed Orisa a second time, this time removing her compensation buffs from the shield nerfs. Making her bad everywhere. Two weeks later Orisa was at the bottom

and pretty much stayed there up until the hog patch where Orisa got nerfed AGAIN. Note that while Orisa was supposedly meta at the top 1%. She was actually at the bottom everywhere else up until Masters. The tanks dominating ladder had been Zarya and Reinhardt, not Orisa/Sigma.

Doubleshield “meta” at its strongest, was actually the most diverse tanks on ladder had ever been for 2-2-2. The second Double shield “meta” for six months up until the hog buff was in fact, practically non-existent.

There was no reason for the nerfs other than satisfying the top 1%, remember, for 96% of ladder, Reinhard and Zarya were the ones dominating ladder, and Orisa was already at the bottom, so nerfing Orisa does nothing.

And you know what? We’re apparently at a third DoubleShield meta right now, and they’re pointing at Orisa again.

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Very thorough analysis! I’m incredibly impressed with your work. Thank you for sharing this!

Not to mention the endless amount of nerf Reaper or Doomfist or Mei threads.

3 of them are best dealing with Tanks and 2 of them can by pass shields.

And for a time, freaking Sym was complained about. Around the beam buff and Sigma released I think.

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Some of us actually track what’s happening in the game rather than taking what the pros say as Gospel. Doubleshield was the most diverse the tanks have been in 2-2-2, but pre 2-2-2, Goats was actually the most diverse without even needing to artificially enforce a 2-2-2 composition.

Goats was only widely used in the pro scene, however, even the Dev’s reported that it was practically non-existent on ladder, but hearing people talk, you’d think goats was everywhere.

Likewise for Sombra. She’s supposedly OP, that she’s in every other game. But she’s in fact one of the least picked heroes with the worst winrate. She’s so bad that the Devs reported that not even GM’s are having success with her. Buuuut… she’s apparently meta right now so she should be nerfed.

Things like these are just people parroting what streamers say rather than tracking what’s actually happening in their own games. They’re in their own fantasy world where every team they fight is from the OWL league.

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I play soldier and shooting into shields most of the match gets boring pretty fast

As usual for one of your posts, this is utter nonsense. The reason players like GOATS more than a lot of metas is because the skill requirements were huge. You had your timing and your role and if you didn’t perform it well, your team got overrun. Clearly you didn’t understand a thing about how that, or any other meta, works, based on your descriptions of such.

Double shield was fun to play and as a masters flex I enjoyed every role in it but it lasted to long just like goats

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  1. Orisa isn’t fun to play (I’m not the first one saying it and will not be the last) as a meta character, I like to play her if the situation requires it not every game.
  2. Positioning doesn’t take importance on this meta.
  3. Tiny hero pool, double shield makes so much heroes unviable (in dps case, only heroes with a lot of damage output).
  4. It’s not fun to perma shoot shields.
  5. Brigitte
    I’ve said those within 3 minutes, but I’m sure that if I was thinking for some more time I’d come up with more ideas.

To play GOATS “properly”, yes, shield economy and cooldown management matter a lot. However, it also has a low skill floor and playing GOATS in pedestrian elos is still super effective because of how durable the comp is, even if you’re bad at managing cooldowns.

It wasn’t even done in pedestrian elos.

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The majority of the heroes that I enjoy playing most are just plain terrible when played with, and against double barrier.

Likewise, I also think all of your posts are non sensical. If you got run over while using the highest sustain Comp in OW history that easily, you would probably be spawn camped while using any other comp for sure…

I don’t find any argument with you to be any constructive to be fair, for all I know I might just got stuck in a platchat with you right now. So let this be my final response to you, goodbye.

not just hitscan. *insert sad flanking zenyatta noises.

Yes. Becouse they was just plague of low ranks

Nah. You just resort to childish ad hominem in lieu of making an actual point. But the idea that something like GOATS was somehow less skillful is wholly yours, and is objectively wrong (as is almost everything else you believe).