Why does everyone complain about Double Barrier

But not double hitscan, the reason double barrier is even run?

Can’t live without em, can’t run tankbusters/barrier busters because of double hitscan.

I’m tired of Soldier/Cass

Addtion: follow along here. We have barrier busters in the roster. Why don’t people run junkrat/bastion/Sym/Pharah against Double barrier? Who hard counters these heroes?


Hitscans actually die for more than a few seconds, unlike recharging shields.


Either way my girl sombra isn’t meta



I think you are missing my point. Hitscans caaue Double Barrier.

Tell me why the enemy team would not just run Bastion/Junkrat to shred the barreirs from a safe range?

Because they would be domed


somewhere, in an alternate universe…

OW2 removes a DPS to end the reign of double hitscan.


Seriously, follow my line of reasoning and explain why nobody runs the barrier counters? Please answer to me why junk/bastion/sym/pharah are not the solution here?

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Because counter picking would mean switching off your favourite hero. And after 6 years of Overwatch, we know that people just don’t do that. Barriers were never a problem, but it was much easier for people to moan to Blizzard to get them removed so they could continue running their favourite hero


Because they want to shoot at players, who also want to be able to take the hits, who should also be healable, but they should also die, but it should also be preventable, but not when they get piled on with circumstances like CC, but they still should be dealable with barriers, which should be breakable, but not too quick so you can take the hits, but for not too long because they want to shoot at players…

Starting to see the problem here? Even when they manage to fulfill this to the best of their capabilities, there will still be malding players drumming about certain parts of this equation annoying them even when it’s “fixed”. Everyone knows that OG double barriers was OP, but some players still use that as a scapegoat to mald about their current situation. Just like Brig or Mercy or basically whatever in the game


Because at the higher ranks double sheild takes alot of off angles like a 3 and 3 setup u cant really focus both before getting melted by their dmg potential


it’s much easier to nibble on shields in hopes that they’ll break, rage when you die trying, and spend years begging blizz to rip out what little teamplay we have left because you don’t wanna switch off your ePiC POTG generator (or just wait til the barrier goes down)

OWL just don’t loik em init

which is a shame, DB sym would rip through both shields in seconds and create the opening ranged hitscans need to get picks.

once i was duoing with a friend and we went mercysym. our ashe actually thanked me for dealing with the barriers because it made her job easier.

but y’kno, this is a new era, who has time for teamwork?


Right, and which heroes are putting that damage potential out at that range? You don’t see junkrat /sym run with DB.

Their dmg heroes its not a bad thing that there dmg heroes are putting out the dmg?

At long ranges, invaldiating the barrier counters? Yes

Also the supports depending what u run like bap puts out a crap ton dmg alot like mercy amplify bap window it same with zen and does dmg and amplys it,brig not so much

Yall complain about barriers, like come on, this is why im here

Most yall wont play me to combat double shield

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Love how the weak excuse isn’t even “double sniper” anymore; now it’s a more-general “double hitscan.” At what point do you acknowledge it was never any DPS causing this? Via Orisa, we had potential double barrier comps years before Sigma and it was never used to stop double sniper or hitscan because it wasn’t any good and the protection from double sniper/hitscan didn’t suddenly make it valuable.

Sigma and Orisa double barrier was strong on its own. It would’ve been used no matter what comp. I knew from the moment I played it the first time that it would be meta. The ability to walk through damage with no detriment and offering everything Dva offers with a bit of what Zarya offers was extremely valuable. Lower damage overall makes this even more valuable, not less. Nerfing damage would solve nothing.


Ranged hitscan support is also an issue…

Becasue, following the widow/ashe nerfs, they randomly megabuffed cass and soldier. None of this would be a problem if they didnt randomly buff the,.

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Cause we zen orb you and you go kaboom lol

People complained about double hitscan but it doesn’t change that double shield works against everything. (God, I wish they nerfed double snipers and most hitscans just as well.).

Effective Barrier busters wasn’t enough, we had one for a moment which was Sym and she got nerfed.

Most of the method to defeat double shield in the end became Mei/Reaper, where they cut off the retreat path and hammer the tanks in that brief moment.

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Because it sucks to fight vs shields 90% of the time. You also have no control what people will play against them. So you have 3 szenarios:

  1. As a tank you will play something that ignores shields or creates themselves

  2. As a DPS you can play a shield breaker that is weak AF vs the other DPS

  3. As a support you have to deal with it and compensate the weaker defense of your team with strong heals

In the end you cant counter it alone. Then its not every interactive. All in all its just very stale and boring.