Why does Echo being a DPS make people so mad?

We had a schedule for new hero drops, It always went support, tank, dps. Echo being a DPS was the next in line. She also has a really unique kit and is quite fun to play if I do say so myself. I don’t see why people hate her so much


I love playing echo.


Its not that Echo being a DPS character that made people mad. Its just that there are so many DPS characters already, that a new Support or Tank would have been preferred.


ok fine maybe a support wouldve been better

but its fine 5 months since her release. get over it

Yeah. 16 DPS and 7 supports makes support mains upset. Heck I’m a dps player and I would have rather had another support. But echo do be fun tho. She do be.


People constructed this insane narrative that Echo was actually originally a healer who was changed due to the evil dps players, forgetting the actual release schedule meant we were getting a dps, and the only time we saw her fighting in cinematic was her literally shooting people to death.


you have to be joking


It wasn’t the fact that she was a dps, it was the fact that they changed her to a DPS because of an ultimate that she didn’t even originally have.

This isn’t the first time that tank or support were robbed from a hero in favour of DPS


Jeff is on record saying he wasn’t sure what direction echo was going to be and wanted input from the player base to see where they should take her. The input people gave was unanimously for her to be a support. People started expecting her to become a support thusly. Honestly its just another reason why Blizzard shouldn’t speak until they are sure. If they hadn’t said what do you guys want echo to be? And than did the reversal of that, I’m sure less people would be angry.


Because they expected a support, her design, her voice, appearance in Cree / Ashe cinematic kinda gave the first impression of such a hero. If i understood right, Blizzard even tried her as support, but her Ultimate fit way better into the DPS category, Jeff revealed some informations about her a while ago … in the meantime we got the last cinematic from Paris and the Omnic attack where Echo assisted and revealed herself pretty much as a DPS hero (m1 shots + stickies).

It seems that wasnt convincing enough, so people still expected Echo to be support but surpriiiiiiiiiiiiiiise: another DPS hero.

I can / could live with both: Echo being DPS or support though, however making once in a while big plays with her feels satisfying tbh.


And releasing constant info about her old support state and things that would provoke already upset players. Lol


She was a support, but her ult, which the devs built echo around, didnt fit a support


I was never upset. Just stating the facts.


Except she didn’t have duplicate originally as an ultimate. It’s something that they wanted to test out down the line and then undid years of development because of a late change.


it would’ve been nice to have another support but if people are actually raging over the fact that she is a damage hero then they seriously need to take a break from this game… nothing to be furious about


was it confirmed for her to be a support? no, people assumed she was.

and she is in the game… why cant people play her the way she is?

No not really its more a every year we’ll get 1 of each with varrying release order for instance brig and Moira released before another dps did

Even with your order though yes a dps would be next in line but the dps didnt have to be echo it could have been another hero because echo was a character many players supports especially were looking forward too because they expected her to be support thats why theyre upset with echo being dps, they arent just upset theres another dps its that they feel a support was taken and turned into one


I’m not mad. I want and expect excellence from Blizzard and when they fall short I just experience disappointment.


The reason why there is so many dps cause the offense/defense roles were put together. People seem to forget about that more than often here.

They never promised that she was going to be a support in the 1st place either.


I would say its fair game to rage as Blizzard all buy confirmed her as support and than pulled an uno reverse card. When you hint at something as strongly as they did and say but actually no, it leaves many people feeling dissatisfied. I don’t think anyone remembers but there was even joke threads about how echo was going to be a DPS and no one could actually take the idea seriously as it would be a complete 180 of her lore/personality to game play.