Why does Cassidy have tracking on his grenade?

Cree is mid tier at best, but the choice to make it seek out your target is just stupid.

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Not even sure he is trolling. Lots of Genji mains genuinely believe it.

so what is? especially after all these indirect buffs?

can people please just play 1 match as whatever character they’re about to make a complaint thread about before they post it?

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In a world where Heroes can teleport and get rezzed from the dead, you question why there is a homing grenade - a piece of tech we could probably develop today?

His original role in Overwatch was of a flanker counter. The grenade is to punish flankers that get too close, similar to the old stun.

Tell me you know nothing about the meta witbout saying you know nothing about the meta


He isn’t anymore.

Reaper = wrath
Genji = Deflect
Tracer = Recall
Sombra = TP out.

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I literally said it in the same post you quoted. Read it all.

Nope, he still is, you can use the grenade to either bait these skills out of them or save it to kill them after they use. These are just the flankers way of fighting the anti-flanker.

grounded debuff? like reduced damage or healing?

Zarya’s grav debuff that disables specifically mobility abilities.

Anything else affects immobile heroes more heavily or easily.

Hes fine, really easy to outplay with snipers and his big hitbox makes him easy to kill.


Shudders in Cassidy’s 400+ damage fth from the old days

Reaper have all the advantages on close range because massive damage+lifesteal also Cass Hitbox it’s equal to Zarya, meaning if you don’t two tap Reaper because he notices you= dead anyways.

Genji its less or more a fair match but reflecting the grenade its much easier than the old flashbang.

Tracer = Same as Reaper if you can 1 shot her every single time before she deletes you. You can’t stun her and your grenade will be useless on every single encounter.

Sombra = Tracer.

Cass was very good dealing with flankers because the stun could compensate the medium/bad aiming.

And let’s be honest its impossible to have 100% HS accuracy with him unless you are an OWL player.

you want a grav grenade? so the target can strafe as normal, but can’t dash/wraith/faith away? or they’re totally stuck in one place?

is that the only effect? would there be damage too?

Ideally, yes.

Not much however. It should be an anti mobility non-CC kill enabler.

Yep, at least you’d have to aim with this one , it would be on a cooldown and dependant on headshot so doesnt do 50 billion dmg to everything all the time.

one of the best ?

lol totaly clueless, hes one of the worst rn

too many abilities can get rid of it

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And being mid at best is also being in the top best overall. He’s still much stronger than half the other DPS heroes. You can get so much more out of playing Cassidy than playing any other projectile hero except for Echo, Hanzo, or Sojourn (her rail shot is hitscan).

Imagine if a hero like Junkrat who has a MUCH lower primary fire accuracy had heat seeking mines. Their would be outrage.