Why does blizz Hate Junkrat

He’s getting nerfed again. Junkrat. I don’t understand why anyone thinks he’s “op.” Widow, sojourn, hanzo, and even ashe are WAAAAY more threatening.

I think their issue is that he’s just a frustrating hero to deal with at lower ELOs.

It’s not about how skill ceiling, it’s all about his skill floor.

Actually second thought, it’s not even about his skill floor, it’s about how frustrating he is at Low ELO.


He’s not OP, he’s broken.
He needs adjustments so that he can fit in.

For me, I wouldn’t mind at all if he got locked out of Competitive mode.
Or atleast locked-out of Bronze to Platinum.

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Hm, did I miss something?

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In a f2p FPS game there should exist easy to play characters. Said characters tend to be weaker fundamentally than others.
This is why widow is broken and rat is garbage, but being able to deny an area is “op” the devs

Where did they say they are nerfing him? In the stream earlier?

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Unless I misunderstood Alec, they’re wanting to mainly address his roller/bounce nades; which I’m perfectly fine with. It raises his skill floor by encouraging junk players to go for more direct hits, and not spam as much, since it won’t get as much value.

Depends on your definition of broken.

I don’t think he needs to be gutted, but a nerf would be healthy.

Where did you hear about Junkrat changes?

During the interview, Alec mentioned something about getting hit by nades on the ground

Perhaps, but easy characters shouldn’t feel very frustrating to play against.

If they could lower that frustration level somehow, that would solve a lot of the issue.

I.e. Just because something can exist, and can be balanced, doesn’t mean it’s not very frustrating to play against.

And I’m saying this as a guy who has 800 hours in TF2 Demoman, and originally wanted to be a Junkrat main.

Can someone link the interview? Or give a summary?


Give me a few minutes. Going to find the part in the interview where Junkrat was mentioned and link it with a time stamp.

Oh not necessary. I’m interested what they had to say about all the heroes

because gamesense as a concept is elusive to new players and current balance team.

they didn’t exactly say they are going to nerf but rather are keeping an eye on his burst potential, notably his 2 hit combo

finally overwatch team that actually played their game instead just watching statistic data 24hrs

They didn’t even say this. They mentioned his combo but not in a problematic sense and then spoke about how range limitations is something they heavily consider. He all but said that the combo is fine. What they did mention as something they’re looking at is “rollers”

So his spam could see changes. Which is fine as long as ult charge etc is compensated.

I’ll be interesting to se what they do. He already has the slowest projectiles, one of the worst ults in the game and every other toon counters him.

This should be time stamped properly

I define “broken” in the sense that he’s not quite there yet.
Closer to the meaning of the word over the gamer sense of him being OP, which he’s not.