Why does blizz Hate Junkrat

I could see them making it so the explosion damage has more explosion falloff damage reductions per bounce.

I.e. Less damage at the edge of the explosion, full damage on direct hit

And that’d perfectly fine, as I said before, it’d raise his skill floor, which is something he’s needed for awhile.

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Well his primary damage is split into impact and explosion damage. Lowering the explosion damage would lower the direct damage too.

But reading further I think you’re meaning just lower the aoe? I don’t think that would address the dying to a random nade issue low ranks seem to have.

Also they could make the concussion mine do a flat 90 damage, with no falloff, while it’s airborne. And 120 damage after it lands on a surface.

I think they meant like if you get hit with the very edge of his splash. Iirc, Junkrat’s splash doesn’t have any fall off like Pharah’s

My only issue with this is cassidy would still live unless you tossed the mine at his tootsies…which isn’t a bad idea, still raises his skill ceiling.

lowering the aoe would be the stupidest thing i seen lowering damage potential is better since aoe is part of junkrat after all and im speaking this as junkrat hater

It’s a little more complicated than that. It’s explosion damage falloff. Not explosion damage.

I.e. Full damage at the center, less on the edge.

And make the edge do even-less damage, but the center always does full damage.

You’re focusing on nades that miss everything and explode without contacting any enemy? I’m not sure what you’re actually getting at here.

It’s not even about that, it’s just watching Junk constantly fail, like straight up miss and still somehow get rewarded that just makes him… sad…

Simply just double him skill expression and leave his results the best you can.

it’s not just that, it’s also that he punishes certain tanks hard and not others. if i play junkerqueen, we will lose unless my dps is significantly better than him, unlikely at lower elos and matchmaking is broken so i have diamonds and silvers in the same game. if i switch to dva, i can wreck him every time easy. so maybe he shouldn’t be so hard on low mitigation tanks like junkerqueen while then freeing up space to make him slightly less instadead if harddove?

i can’t rush to deal with him as JQ because my team will randomly die while i do lol

Well yeah. Less random splash damage spam. No change to direct hits.

I don’t think that really addresses the actual power of spam. It’s good for Junk due to 1. Mainly ult charge and 2. Sometimes somebody will get hit with a direct and die. Although that is a lower rank issue.

Lowering the aoe from nades that miss everything would be an incredibly small nerf and not change much.

How he got nerfed in today’s patch? Did I missed something?

Care to explain?

But that’s the point, it is exactly a low rank issue.

I.e. At least 50% the playerbase is Gold or below. And the devs kinda care about those players too.

PharMercy needs to be addressed for similar reasons.

he’s getting nerfed? sauce?

The dev on stream mentioned Junk projectiles rolling on the floor as something they’re looking at. Flats asked about the combo and the dev answered with talking about range limitations on 1 shots and how when they come from across the map it’s not ok. Essentially saying that his combo is fine.

People have somehow managed to confuse that with “Combo being removed1!!1!!”

Not nerfed, but Alec in his steam with Emongg today, says they were looking to make Junk less frustrating to play against.

More of a powershift thing.

Yeah. I’m saying that you could remove the aoe altogether and it would be negligible for low ranks.

So what do you think are the main pain points with Junk where lower ELOs find him frustrating to play against?

While indeed that could be nerf, I think we should wait until they give us some more details. Jumping to conclusions about them ‘hating Junkrat’ is a bit too bold right now. We do not know if he won’t get something back to offset this.

as to OP then. Too soon. You are just fearmongering now. Please stop.