Why do you think Mercy needs to be changed?

I’ll have a looksee :slight_smile:

In my opinion, the statement you quoted said plenty, revealing why the decision was made to rework Mercy

I didn’t forget fun, but good news – there are a huge number of people who have fun with Mercy in her current state, and those who don’t have over 2 dozen other characters to choose from, including a new support in the next couple if weeks or so

Yeh I mean give her single res invuln as a joke like it was when they gave it to mass res.

Dw it’s certainly not your fault my bad joke didn’t land/make sense P=

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There are a lot of players who like rez as it is.

How would you feel about a compromise option allowing players to continue to rez asvthey now do but a player like you using it instead on a living target for a different effect, like the dodo compromise rework suggests?

she needs a cleanse/dispel ability

cuz it’s the right thing to do!

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Honestly id love it if we could get some customization in our ability move sets, thats the best expansion Overwatch could make. All heroes have alternate ultimates or additional abilities etc. Actual choices for our load outs. Maybe I want my McCree loadout to counter mobility heroes etc so you can have a plan.

You know maybe then hanzo could be balanced with well you cant have lunge and storm arrow you have to pick one but you get other considerations as well.

I’d easily sacrifice my ultimate on McCree and phara for extra HP for example or a third basic ability but I know this is a pipe dream. For mercy I’d really want something more proactive her current res is hot garbage. You have to be a statue so snipers can pick you off, and it still takes 2 or 3 seconds and you have to remain in place and be standing on top of them etc. How many times you can nerf an ability before you should just replace it?

Have you taken a look at the Dodo compromise rework?

  1. Mercy cannot bring a low-health tank up to full in a reasonable amount of time.

Ana, Moira, and Baptiste can use their secondary abilties+primary fire to heal 500 health in an average of 5 seconds. Mercy needs 10, which is too long in a fast paced game like overwatch.

  1. Mercy’s E ability is too situational

Ana and Baptise have an average downtime of 10 seconds between using their game-changing utility abilities (sleep dart and immortality field). Mercy’s utility downtime is a whopping 30 seconds.

She has almost zero agency in how it’s used - it’s up to where the teammate died, and what the enemies are doing at the time that determines if Mercy can use her E ability at all. There’s almost no room for skill expression in an ability that barely ever gets used and relies more on the skill of the players around Mercy, than Mercy herself.

  1. Valkyrie has no playmaking potential.

The majority of Valkyrie’s effect is self-buffs that don’t benefit the team. It does not counter any ults, and it does not combo into any ults that can’t have as easily been combo’d with Mercy’s base solo beam. It does not immediately change the tide in Mercy’s team’s favor, which disqualifies it for the broad definition of “ult” at all.

  1. Skill ceiling is too low.

Having a low skill floor (being easy for a beginner to pick up) should not disqualify a hero from having a high skill ceiling (the maximum amount of skill that can be expressed with a hero). Reinhardt is a good example: he’s easy to pick up and play at low levels, but at the highest ranks he demands a lot of skill and discipline.

Mercy has little to no opportunities for skill expression, and with the damage boost mechanics change she will lose one of her last remaining forms of skill expression (no more reactively damage boosting missile attacks like firestrike, dynamite, etc.)

Every hero has carry potential if the person playing them is skilled enough to play them at the top of their skill ceiling, but Mercy’s ceiling is so low that there’s no way to make huge plays independently.


Naah not alarming at all, it’s rather easy to explain.

In lower ranks people think it’s a good idea to face-tank damage, this results in the need of a lot of quick healing over multiple people. Ana offers that quick escape with the nade.

But if you look higher up, where people learned that you should take the least amount of damage possible, you’re seeing the meta changing now GOATS is fading. Here we can see a rise in comps where Mercy is picked up again, sometimes even as a solo healer.

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you really can’t isolate how a character feels to play when talking about balance, much more if there’s not much data to collect (stats websites aren’t really accurate, and blizz isn’t putting out data for players). but i’ll try not to put my feels out.

for healing output, her beam is under powered. it’s her only source of healing and it cannot keep up with the other 2 main healers who even have burst heals aside from their main healing ability. yes it is a fact that ana and moira are relatively more difficult but not by a huge margin. ana’s heal hitboxes are huge and moira has an aoe spray. the recent nerf for me was the most unreasonable nerf. she had 60 hps from when she was 1.0 til 2.0, only then we see them tinkering on her healing output after the rework. amount healed throughout the match really doesnt say anything about mercy’s healing. it’s the time it takes to top-up your allies that matter in times that matter like in the middle of a team fight. also, 50hps restricts mercy’s chances of damage boosting.

next is valk. its power is diluted to the point that it’s comparable to her base kit, only that for 15 seconds your job is easier (but decision making is still at the same level w/o ult). it also defies her design as a single-target healer.

as for rez and mobility, i only have 2 things. rez doesn’t take a lot of space for skill expression given how powerful the ability is. just because she used to undo 5 deaths before and now only 1 really doesn’t make a change about the ability. when it was an ult, she had to work for it. now, you have that powerful ability no matter how good you are at her. as for mobility, yes it is pretty handy to make your healing supply ready 24/7 but when fights happen that supply cannot keep up with the demand.


I’m currently writing a long post based on the data I collected from this thread. See you there and thank you everyone for participating!


I don’t understand what someone’s emoji preference has to do with anything. Nor do I understand why this specific emoji has anything to do with the content of what someone says.

Because if she was working the way she should, PC wouldn’t have a GOATs problem. That didn’t start until after the support patch. Lots of heroes have to be made much weaker just to be balanced alongside her.

Mercy is fine the way she is, yeah she might need some minor buffs but it wouldn’t kill her if she stayed the way she is. All she might need is her healing reverted to 60hps and no cast time on rez during ult.

Are you not the leader of the anti-Mercy movement?

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Here’s the topic I was talking about

I am not part of the anti-Mercy faction, and as such, I could never lead it

Nailed it. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

How so, when I am not in the anti-Mercy faction?

Caduceus Staff
Healing Beam
Healing-per-second has been increased by 20%
Developer Comments
Mercy’s healing is also getting a boost to solidify her role as a strong, single-target healer.

This is no longer the case with Mercy. She’s no longer a strong, single-target healer. Now she’s just a consistent, single-target healer. Even if the meta were to shift in her favor, I don’t think the meta would compliment her well, nor would she compliment the meta well. Her healing is terrible mid-fight, and if I recall correctly, dive meta is supposed to favor Mercy greatly, but her healing is so bad that she wont be able to keep her divers alive long enough.

The only reason she’s even decent now is because other heroes are enabling her instead of Mercy being independent and succeeding on her own, and enabling other heroes as she should. I get she’s a hero requiring minimal skill and effort, but that shouldn’t be a reason that she can’t be a good pick on her own and is instead heavily reliant and dependent on team comps unlike other healers.

But that’s just my opinion and how I feel.