It is weird, I can quit a freaking game. Its not hard
Something is seriously wrong with the people who cant quit a game and keep posting about how much they hate it for years.
It is weird, I can quit a freaking game. Its not hard
Something is seriously wrong with the people who cant quit a game and keep posting about how much they hate it for years.
at this point i’m waiting for PVE.
there are INKLINGS of OW1 left, the rest has become a mess. the balance is all over the place.
Used to be my favourite game, now it’s just becoming those other games slowly. everything 1 shots you now or such huge burst damage. it’s just not fun.
I don’t. I stopped playing when Ram was released and haven’t touched the game since.
I didn’t do it deliberately either, it was just an organic process of feeling like “I don’t have the energy to put up with OW, I’ll go play something fun instead” every time I wanted to play games. It just faded out of me playing it because it just isn’t fun.
Stockholm Syndrome. And the continuing amazement at how people who never stop playing this game even though they no longer have any fun in it seem determined to ruin the game for actual players.
Given that queuing times do vary from moment to moment, it is well known that someone pushing a fabricated narrative about how the pay to win game called OW2 has low queue times can simply take screenshots when the queue times shown support that narrative
Nothing wrong is human nature to be honest. A lot of people come to the forums waiting for the game to “change” in a way they feel compelled to return. Others play it as a easy way to pass time like a routine, others of course enjoy it and others enjoy it but have a lot to “say” about the balance etc etc. Videogames, and mroe online services for games are designed to trap people and made them play it with rewards, promises and little things the public consider important.
Really the only reason I stay anymore is custom games and friends. I also enjoy their not so severe chat moderation. And most importantly because of appealing guy designs lmao
Because im naive and i’ve given it too many chances. Not exaggarating, i really am…
They really have to show up something for S3 that has nothing to do with the Battle Pass or anything money related.
ya honestly i love that katana wiel- i mean orb tossing ninj- i mean scientist
because at this point, this is better than Apex, and i get to play characters i loved playing years ago since it has gone f2p
The gam its actually kind of fun to me, I dont like a loooot of things but i still manage some way to have fun with it, perhaps i play alone, with friends this game could be actually good and fun
Being so addicted to a game that you cant quit when you hate it isnt normal human nature dude
Ive quit games before when i didnt like them, its not hard
The OP absolutely hates the game and tells us everyday on the forums
It’s the only fairly polished team based game that I can be a healer in, that doesn’t require me to grind for gear or levels to do my job effectively. I can just jump in and play, and see if I can keep my team of randos alive.
MW2 was a disaster. Most people are playing Warzone/DMZ. The normal MP is basically dead.
Soon my precious. Soon. Soon. And I will have every golden gun I desire.
You and me have very different ideas on what dead is. The MP is far from dead.
I’m chillin. Clickin heads, healin heads, it’s all whatever to me.
i’ve had some great games recently so perhaps I might play a few games later and if those games are also great, perhaps I might play few games later…
but not the only factor, seems like the devs are doing something? it’s just taking them a very long time, but if it’s gonna be 5 more patchs and then I will compare how the game was 5 patches ago, if it’s very similar state then I probably won’t play few games later…
OW is still one of a kind of games, hopefully Blizzard only listens to the smarter masses for change ideas, or that might not be true later…
It’s the fun(subjective) game currently and other Shooters/Battle Royals are boring and depressing. Generally gaming especially AAA is depressing right now. In the FPS department