Why do you still play?

Considering your name you get paid for climbing “backwards” ? =)

I wouldn’t play a game if i didn’t think it was good. I guess some people are straight up addicts to a genre, which is weird.

Imagine playing a game you dont even like, and complaining about it constantly

because I’m a ******* moron


As someone who has terrible aim and as such mostly plays Reinhardt and Junkrat, playing support and landing Kiriko headshots is very satisfying!

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Right now I don’t. Addicted to newer games.

Waiting on a better patch, PvE announcement, better progression rewards, and community to give out more positive reviews of the gameplay experience.

I hitting my the pause button and will come back from AFK once there’s more to do it n this game besides blowing a paycheck on overpriced downgraded legendaries.


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I play because it’s fun, and because you still owe me $1000.

Still waiting for you to cough it up Beige :yawning_face:

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I basically don’t.
I pop in and play like 5-10 rounds every balance patch.
Game feels fun? Probably play more.
Game hasn’t felt fun since October though, is big sad.

I genuinely enjoy the game. Is it perfect? Of course not, and no game is because each game is subjectively liked or disliked. I love the characters, the fast paced nature of the game, and the cosmetics (I wish they’re weren’t $40000).

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I like it. That’s all.

That’s a bet neither of you can really win. Queue times are different for different people.

The diversity art style and yes even gameplay keeps me coming back not to mention its the only fun multiplayer shooter that isn’t a fluffing battle royale. I just wish they would stop trying to ruin it’s uniqueness by following awful monetisation trends.

Why still play?

Boredom. Deep under all the issues. The game is and can be very relaxing if you don’t

  • join comp
  • care about matchmaking
  • focus on lvling up
  • focus on challenges
  • make a bad habit of complaining
  • play only QP or arcade (open queue possible)

Just play the game and if people have mic. Make it worth listening too. Don’t blast music but idk, randomly be commentary XD

Because the new players will get better and I genuinely believe at some point it will…even out

Ever the optimist

some ppl play, albeit less than they use to, bc they’re good at it, not bc its actually worth playing.

Honestly because of my freinds that play the game still if my freinds quit im out of here becuase there is almost no way to make new ones without looking for group which they removed from overwatch 2 for some dumb reason.

Queue times are north of 5 minutes for me on tank and DPS. Where’s my money?

I’ll show you my timestamped screenshot if you show me yours :slight_smile: Then we can call it even.

Fair enough. A timestamped screenshot is easy to provide though. Then we can call it even. Every time I get on estimated queues are 3/1/1 or better… right now they’re 2/1/1

I still play because i still think the game is very fun, it’s honestly the only multi player that i find fun as well, all the other fps shooter games are mostly just the same and not very unique.

Not to mention how colorful it is and all heroes are very unique as well with cool abilities.

Same reason I play any Blizzard game.

Whilst they’re usually outdated, bad and riddled with issues there’s no other worthy substitute.

I hate CoD, CS, and all those brain dead sniper elite type shooters.

The only remaining option is this or Paladins.

So, yeah.

Same deal with WoW (even though I don’t play that anymore), I played Classic until Wrath rereleased and then quit again just like I did 15 years previously.

Diablo 2 Ressurected; same deal.

If there were better games to play, I would play them.