Why do you punish people for leaving quick play?

The WHOLE point of quick play is to have a quick game, and a player gets filled in when one leaves. You shouldn’t penalize people for leaving a back fill game mode, and should work on improving the backfill or incentive.

Edit: I would like to clarify, I don’t play quick play and this post has nothing to do with me.

Sometimes people have emergencies and they have to leave a game, since this mode has backfill, you shouldn’t be punished.


because without the penalty, people who get stuck in lopsided stomps would simply just leave the game every time…so the penalty is put in place to try and force you to stick to a game where you are being rail roaded.


Cause people tend to just quit matches the moment it stops going their way. Either stop adding to the leaver issue or stop playing


Before these penalties were added, a qp match could have more than 5 leavers per team in a match.
There were people lobbyshopping for stomps to farm stats, leaving the moment they died once in a match.

I had games where my team was winning, the moment we lost a single teamfight, my whole team left. Then i just had to wait through 10 or so backfills to get a full 5 person team again.
It wasn’t working.

Qp is a more relaxed main gamemode than the try hard comp. If you want modes where you’re allowed to leave as much as you want, stick to arcade and customs.

And you can thank the serial leavers for that.


Because people have little incentive to stay in complete stomps since you can’t earn lootboxes anymore, so Blizzard thought of the wonderful idea of punishing players as a motive of fear to keep you in the game you’re obviously going to spend 5 min in spawn wasting with 4 others who feel the same way.


Because that is easier than balancing the game and getting rid of the huge cheater problem

Blizzard is lazy and doesn’t really care. And people still are leaving all the time so nothing has improved


Because if players leave every game that doesn’t go their way, no one gets a full game.


I disagree. It used to be way worse and yall deserve the punishment because you were the issue to begin with. Like, nobody who wasnt a serial leaver complains about the punishment except if they play in a ducking desert with bad wifi. Sore losers looking for a quick solution just dont belong in competetive pvp games


Because if everyone acted like you, the game couldn’t function


This post is not about me what so ever. Get troll.


Penalties for Quickplay is fine as it prevents players that were known to rarely complete a game or leaves after the 1st team fight from bailing a game needlessly.

I do believe blizzard needs to increase the game leave allowed per player to appease both sides though.

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Before the penalty changes, people would quit the second things didn’t go their way. If people didn’t want to face a certain hero, they left, if they didn’t like a certain map, they left, if someone outplayed them, they left etc. literally any small reason and people were leaving left and right. It was so bad it was extremely common to backfill into a defeat screen because people left before right they lost. It got so annoying I would spend more time looking at the que than playing the game. That or it was me backfilling back to back to back and never having a full game to play in. Do you understand why penalties needed to happen? It sucked for everyone involved. If people cant stand losing then they shouldn’t play a multiplayer game. Penalties on qp is the best thing blizzard ever did. I rather have a losing streak than backfill over and over again without the chance to actually play the game.


Because for some players, when they say “I want quick games”, all they’re really saying is “I want quick wins”, and will hop in and out of matches, only sticking around for the ones that seem like easy wins.

It used to be bad enough that many players would die one time in the first team fight and then bail. That’s like missing one pitch in a game of baseball and being like “alright y’all I’m out, I need to go find an easier group of people to play with”.

Since these penalties, that kind of behavior has significantly decreased and I’m here for it.


I hate to say it, but if a game causes this where it’s nothing but leavers.

Maybe the game is the dang problem.


Why do YOU punish the people from your team by leaving the game?

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How is that punish your team?

This is a video game. Nobody is beholden to someone else unless they join comp.

You take this game more seriously than life.

Ya’ll hold this QUICK PLAY GAME more important than actual voting and it’s kind of sad.


The issue is Blizzard is too lazy or all the competent devs were either fired or quit, and won’t program in fixes for how backfill works.

I’ve backed filled plenty of games and got a win, other times it was a loss no matter what. But what it should never be is back filing into a game seconds away from finishing. This can be solved with a few simple if/and/or statements within the matchmaker.

The fact that it still happens to this day shows they don’t care.

If people want to leave a game for whatever reason they should be able to without penalty for a non-comp game. The game can back fill if there’s time, otherwise, just let everyone leave if they want.

I would (and do) much rather they let people choose the maps and modes they want. If Halo Infinite can do that with a tiny fraction of the player base, so can Blizzard. But they won’t because no one would play their awful maps and stick to the handful that they prefer.

Pretty much every other online PvP game lets you chose the modes you want to play for non-comp modes. But not Overwatch, for reasons.


I think the reason of leaving is more importat then anything. Perhaps they shouldnt punish people but they should do a query to why the player left

You can’t play a “quick game” if people keep leaving.
Also backfills are not instant and 30 sec + here with 1 less team member is almost GGs.

Not a hard thing to answer mate. Also this happened a gazillion years ago, nothing new at this point :man_shrugging:


Overwatch doesn’t allow map voting because everyone would only pick kings row 24/7. Or any mode thats extremely popular. No one would vote for push lol. Random maps is fine, it forces variety. As for the backfills, that cant be addressed properly, its impossible. I can agree to not getting penalized after just one game, heck ill be generous and allow players to leave with no issues in qp twice a day but try and leave more than that? Nah you deserve penalties

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