Why do you hate Horizon Lunar Colony?

Well if you insist, it feels way to open, with a cool concept just thrown on the edge of the map to say its there. The first point is a long walk away for attackers and defenders, and almost impossible to defend if the defenders lose 1 person. The second points’ spawn is way to close for the defenders, allowing them to stall for minutes on time, and there are only 3 options to attack from. The high ground is almost useless, and point B feels like a nightmare to defend, as you are basically forced to hold on point, or top right

On the topic of the zero-G area:

  • I agree, it was a complete waste to do it like that, and I feel they had something better during development but it didn’t pan out the way they wanted it to.

  • I feel this map allowed more people to reasonably see snipers as a viable pick for attacking objectives, especially 2 CP maps like this one. Point A is slightly tricky with its awkward angles to fire into the point, but they really shine on point B.
    Defending point A is typically easy if the entire enemy team keeps attacking from the left side, it usually becomes a problem when they split into two-three different teams and surround the point. Point B is easy to hold with snipers, and the spawn being so close to point is a godsend.

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Low gravity, in my opinion, has no place in the actual game. In arcade, it is ok, but even that rarely used portion on Horizon is too much. Do you really have fun trying to fight with everyone floating around like that?


I believe that’s the reason why they only made that small portion low gravity. they didn’t want to ruin the consistency of the game by adding “map specific gimmicks”.


I think it could have been incorporated to make some level specific design decisions. More maneuvering then actual fighting spaces.

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The low grav area was just added for fun. It was never intended to be a main gameplay element of the map.


Seeing a Rein charge into space is pretty fun tbh


tbh the low gravity area should be bigger
its fun
also since i see almost no one using the entrance to it
i enjoy the free health pack there


As a Lucio, the low grav area is sick. I’ve gotten a triple boop kill by luring an entire team out there, quickly tracking up the side of the wall along the door they would all come out from, and give them the slowest environmental kill ever lol.


Since it’s a dumb way to go, no one will expect it. Like say if you’re playing a dps on defense.
Most people in low rank will go right and up the stairs. Hide inside between the two doors and wait for the enemy to walk by and then surprise them.

I’m one of those people who likes the map ha! as well as 2 CP as a mode but i do recognize the fact that a lot of people don’t and to a certain degree i think i understand why. I think it may have to do with how difficult it can be to actually capture certain points specially the last ones because the defenders spawn right there and the attackers have a long way to go so usually the defenders can stall rather easily and make the other team lose a lot of time, it can be done by both teams thou so in a way it’s even, but it’s still frustrating.

However i don’t know exactly why Horizon in particular is hated more if that is the case, personally i dislike Anubis more, because usually is the one that can be stalled the easiest IMO and also may be one of the hardest to attack again IMO. Maybe its just the fact that it was the newest 2CP map so people tha already hated 2CP poured all their hate on it being the new one.

It’s a great place to set up a flank

I see, thank you. I will admit, every fight I’ve ever had outside in the low grav was extremely fun, so mission accomplished!

It isn’t too bad on point one, since it lacks the sort of choke that I REALLY do not like that other Assault maps come with on point one. However, this is in full force for the second point, which gets annoying. In addition, it just feels like there is a fair whack of dead space (no pun intended), with the first point feeling really clunky in terms of route options to reach the point (mainly for the first half) as well as how the defenders tend to hang pretty close to the point which just further highlights this problem.

In addition, although I can understand the low-grav problem, why not have a couple of gravity generators around which, when you damage them, will temporarily disable gravity in a certain region? That way, it opens up some more strategic options.

i wanted a moon map for so long and when this map was released i was huge disappointed.
it has not really a moon&space feeling.

it looks more like a gym hall.

the colors are also very depressive.

not a cool map in general.


As most stated before, it has all the 2CP problems the release maps have, but instead of fixing it, they decided to increase them, because why not?
Who doesn’t love playing on the same map over and over and over and OVER again for 10 minutes. That’s if you don’t get lucky and get the best case scenario that a team fails to get Point A, so the match ends in about 5 minutes.

I actually like to play on the map, there are lots of opportunities to progress without getting caught in a choke, as far as design goes however I really dislike how monotone it is.

It’s all just shades of grey with some yellow, it’s bland, the ceiling is massive so you’d almost never look up but if you did you’d see space, which is neat but you never see it. There are some cool colorful side rooms but they serve next to no purpose, nobody pushes that far into attacker spawn and the one to the right of the defender spawn is a seldom used flank. My favorite part of the whole map is the area between point A and point B simply because of the change in lighting and the color from the plants.

Compare that to a map like Junkertown that’s basically all in shades of orange but still manages to look amazing and I feel like they just somehow missed a lot of opportunity with Horizon, there’s not nearly enough atmospheric lighting for them go with a bland clean space station.

i think its the best 2cp map tho.

i dont really like playing it… it has no moon feeling. everytime when i see this map and i get the feeling that it was cheap made during a lunch break. the design is really disappointing to me.

I simply don’t believe you for one second that you guys didn’t have something smart and contextual done with it in the alpha build or whatever and then someone from higher-ups said “Nah, I don’t want it in the map” although it was cool.

During the initial design of HLC, the low grav was going to be a significant part of the map. They had trouble getting it balanced, so moved it to something fun.