Why do you hate Horizon Lunar Colony?

So, a year later they just…forgot about it? Come on, man. Come back down to earth. If it’s not implemented but it exists - someone doesn’t want it in the game.

Forgot? No. They decided to reduce the impact.

I remember Jeff mentioning how the low grav was a huge area and the main avenue of attack. They couldn’t get it balanced so it was relegated to a side route with little impact/signficant.

It’s hard to have fun with a completely optional side route without any upsides to using it. If I have to set myself up to lose when using an optional feature, I’m not going to use it.

I dislike it because its just grey…so much grey.

I also dislike maps with super long sightlines because i feel Widow ruins the game, and this map is a Widow map.


Couldn’t have said it any better myself.


I hate the map simply for how…empty and useless a vast majority of the space is. That room with the surveillance monitors comes to mind, and the classroom, the low-gravity area… Not to mention, as someone mentioned above, it’s just too white, too bright, and too boring.


Low grav seems like a missed opportunity. It’s like… well, the unique part of the map and it’s simple there… a decoration.

But yeah… the field of No Man’s Land can be annoying.

It’s actually one of my favourite maps! people who don’t play the game much, don’t understand how to attack it tho… that’s probably their complaint! But Hanamura is much harder to go through the choke!

Personally not a fan of Horizon because it tends to be totally one sided (it differs on the teams) no matter what you do.

Best part of the map, imo. It adds a level of unexpectedness when it’s used, which is rare for OW maps.

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They should’ve designed the zero G area right down the middle of the map to encourage teams to use it. Then have two flank routes with tighter chokes to further encourage the attacking team to attack down the middle.

I think the issue with the zero G area is that it simply favors certain heroes way too much, so Blizz couldn’t include zero G in a map that’s supposed to be competitive. They could’ve just made it an arcade map though.

Hate is such a strong and misused word that it’s unbelievable it has become so casual to say it.

This map is great. I just wish I didn’t get framedrops when I fired on the large windows, but a new computer would probably solve that issue.

Also, it would be nice if the map had more outdoor areas where fights took place.

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And that was a mistake. It could be a very cool “mini event” of the map.
I mean, the colony looks abandoned, so the tech there could be malfunctioning. It would be so fun if every X second speakers would announce something like " Gravity Engine is malfunctioning! Reboot in 10 seconds" and then there would be low gravity on entire map for some time.
This mechanic could create so much fun and interesting moments both for attackers and defenders.


Low grav was such a missed opportunity. Lunar Colony would have been much more fun as a payload map where you have to deliver the payload from one space station to another, and at some point everyone’s outside (or at least through a glass tunnel during a meteor shower :smiley: )

The map is quite hard to defend with the first point, but it’s easier defending the second point. I think this is why people hate it, because sometimes the attacking team takes the first point very quickly, and it leaves 6-7 minutes defending the second point.

It’s the worst of the 2CP maps and 2CP in of itself is the worse game mode in the game. HLC’s Point B exacerbates the problem of this mode, that majority dislike, because of the constant trickling in of players because the spawn is so close to the point. HLC Point B normally takes forever to take because people can trickle in so quickly. It’s so absurd and unfun.

Honestly I prefer HLC to any of the other 2CP maps, really I just think it’s that the two points are very different. It’s optimal to swap characters between both points and people are rather allergic to the concept.

I never got a space feel from Horizon. It could be an underground bunker, a really boring shopping mall, or the chemistry department of a university.

The only real problem I have with that map is the space right outside the attackers spawn until the open area outside the first point is just wasted. Nobody ever fights there. There’s a lot of nooks and rooms and upper and lower platforms but it’s like the area outside hanamura spawn: nobody fights there unless they’re getting spawncamped.

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I don’t particularly hate it but it has level design issues that just can’t be ignored.

First Point has no route to the highground that isn’t a death trap. If they had their own access route it would enable more than just dive and pray you can come out on top.

Second point suffers from Hanamura point B (Before fixes) issue of the spawn/spawn healing being way too close to the point as well.

Instead of having balanced design what they have is this really weird dichotomy where defenders are given a huge tactical map advantage and the attackers have to literally fight up hill, then fight into a near infinite healpool scenario. Just feels bad all around.