Why do you hate Horizon Lunar Colony?

I’ve noticed that a vast majority of people would label “H.L.C.” as their most hated map to play on. I understand preferences and dislikes, but I don’t understand the sheer hatred this map causes people to have about it. Can someone explain why this map is so “bad”?


Hard to break the first choke without your team being completely [explicit].
It’s a 2CP Map.
First point is a cheese hole for attackers once you pass the no man’s land.

Second point, hard to break chokes and get on point.
The high-ground is insanely tiny and advantageous compared to other 2CP.
The defense spawn is litteraly on the point ( it’s a joke but almost not one ).

The only thing good about this map is the healthpack placements. Everything else is [explicit].


i prefer hlc than anubis and i feel its abit better whan volskaya too. with blizzworld in the game, hlc is paradise.


I see… thank you for your response. I don’t have any issue with this map, I main hitscans so it’s fairly easy to get the enemy’s attention, get two critical picks (usually the supports) then the rest of my horribly coordinated team can barge in and clean up. And point B is amazing for snipers, both attack and defense.

Because it has all the same problems that 2CP maps do, but amplified. Horizon Lunar Colony is the embodiment of Blizzard incapable of learning why players dislike 2CP in the first place.


I like it. I definitely prefer it over Hanamura Point B :man_shrugging:

But it’s not like people’s opinions and feelings on it are wrong. They’re allowed to dislike it for their reasons.


I think I just found my next post idea: “What’s wrong with Blizzard World?” Seriously, the map is all types of wonky, but that makes it that much more fun! As a matter of fact, I’ve noticed that nearly all of the maps that have been released since Eichenwalde practically force your team to change their comp after every successfully capped point.


Aforementioned issues with layout, and I don’t care for it aesthetically. It lacks the color and vibrancy the other maps largely have.


Absolutely. I want to be able to see from others’ perspective on this map, and why it’s disliked so much.

Most GM games on Horizon end with 5-6 or 6-6 ties so it is kind of crazy compared to other 2CP maps.


I don’t like assault maps in general because it’s too all-or-nothing. I wish they could release more control maps.


With stats like that, that would mean (IMO) the map would be fun to play and watch. Blowouts are cool sometimes, but the real fun is when it’s so close you have no idea who’s game it is.

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Now I learn that not only is my favorite map hated, but all my top three. Horizon, Blizzard World, and Volskaya can’t all be that bad, can they?


I don’t hate Horizon. I like it. But what I find annoying is teams who move to the first choke point and …stay there. They won’t move in. Or those that do move in go alone, get wiped out, and then complain to everyone else that they died.

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Not in my eyes. 2 CP maps have always been fun to me, possibly because I love to snipe, and places like Hanamura, Horizon point B, Volskaya all have excellent sniper locations, both attack and defense.

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agreed. we asked for non-cancerous and non-draw maps in the first place.


I feel that Horizon needs more windows and ceilings into space, and more needs tobe going on outside like floating asteroids, and nebula colors. the map feels very closed off and claustropbic with it’s grey colored squared rooms.

Somebody needs to go George Lucas on this place and give it the Special edition Bespin treatment.

Also, I am claustropbic in real life, so I really hate this map.


I completely understand where you’re coming from. Whenever you think “space”, you already have this idea of a large, open space in your head. Point A is a bit of a McDonald’s jungle gym I’ll agree, and it would be nice to see some type of cool activity looking out the windows in space, aside from seeing the Earth through the telescope of course.

I like it a lot. Reaper, Torb, and Mei work well on defence, and Doomfist, McCree, and Sombra work well on offence. I like playing those heroes since they are usually outclassed by Tracer and Genji on other maps.


Ironically it is one of the biggest 2CP map in the game, that is what I feel of it. The walk from spawn to point A is longer than most 2CP and it is just big