Why do they keep making Mercy pockets instead of buffing her?

She won’t become there even medium tier, thanks to absolute lack of burst heal for mid-fight.

You do realize you’re basically saying “buff her back to exactly how strong she was the last time she was toptier, but she won’t be toptier”.

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No, I do not. Because this time she still doesn’t have burst heal for mid-fight, while she had multiple resurrects back there. So, still far from even “good” pick.

Okay, then your memory is off.

The only difference between her 50hps nerf, and now, is the 50hps.

And she was most certainly toptier between May 2019 and July 2019.
Before and slightly after “GravDragon meta”.

No, she already wasn’t toptier, when she was reduced to 1 resurrect. So buffing it back to 60 hps won’t do anything to her.

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Yes, she wasn’t toptier after that nerf around February 2018, until a couple months later she became toptier again, around May-July 2018.

Here’s a look in April 2018 of that split between Moira/Mercy pickrate developing.

Mercy/Moira Comp pickrates (PC)

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PC doesn’t have aim assist.

I started to play Overwatch on PS4 recently and had to attempt to shut off the aim assist for Reinhardt’s Firestrike. The aim assist was so blatant that it would throw me off by inches and made the attack look like my Reinhardt had Parkinson’s.

If console is so good, please explain why every cross play game allows the console player to exclude people who play on PC? I would love to see cross play for Overwatch.


Cross play would leave both sides quite annoyed.

Games with cross play also allow PC people not to queue with console. :man_shrugging:

I’d also love to see cross play in Overwatch. I take advantage of it in other shooters and it makes things more interesting, plus I can play with my PC friends. Been playing lots of Modern Warfare recently and for whatever reason the PC players are easy pickings. It’s the Xbox people I have to look out for.

I can only tell by what my kids play. I don’t really like Battle Royal games so I have no personal context. I just know my son’s best friend complained incessantly about PC players ruining his experience in Fork-knife until he figured out how to remove PC players from his queue.

Another game I only have second hand experience on. The leader boards after the games I have seen, anecdotal I well aware of, say the opposite.

None of this counters my point of aim assist on console.

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That’s weird because Fortnite PC players have been complaining about console players for a long time. They say their auto aim is too strong.

What measurement is in place to implicate a value on how much aim assist helps maintain the same statistical advantage from console to PC.

If all stats, which I am unsure of, are within the tolerance of one another, how much is due to raw skill, and how much can be attributed to aim assist?

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If you use GTA Online as example, aim assist makes controller users absolute beasts with automatic weapons…but aim assist doesn’t work for long-range weapons, so on sniper rifles mouse users dominate.

The problem was that ana had received an unfair damage nerf that had not been reverted yet and people still had not discovered how comically busted moria was yet.

DMG boost at low levels is sort of waste since people take more damage than they give…

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I don’t know. How do we determine which PC players are good at the game and which ones are just good at clicking? A mouse can be a crutch for a lot of bad players.

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It was a Moira meta between February 2018-April 2018…

They hadn’t discovered GOATs, for sure, but Brig just came out in March 2018.

Her being ‘meta’ versus people actually understanding how much power she really had are still different things.

I think they had a decent grasp on it, considering 4x Tanks with Moira/Lucio was the meta in February to March 2018.

Aka. Slambulance

I don’t think that 60 HP/sec would make her top tier in her current state.