Why do people think tanks are getting buffed? 5v5

Very good point, in a world with 1 tank and even less damage mitigation and more focus on 1 target this will 100% be a more common thing

Looking forward to having the people who always default to basic overwatch scream at me for not playing rein. Whenever a tank plays anything other than rein zarya everyone gets a collective aneurism cause they don’t know what to do when they don’t have a rein planted on a corner with his shield up. When they don’t have another tank as well they are going to want to hang me for playing ball. Barriers need to go. Barriers are effective at buffing the tank role but as a gameplay mechanic they are boring, prone to misuse and stagnate the meta. As long as there are barriers there will always be players who piss and moan unless they get a rein to stand like a statue for them.

Tracer dies from stray shots in every game I’ve been in due to her low hp.

Like, I legit sneezed and killed a tracer by accident the other day as Mei. I was trying to hit mccree and sneezed just as the icicle was about to fire and I headshot tracer because I moved the mouse due to sneezing. I didn’t even know she was there.

This is what kills me though. Barriers are use primarily to close distances. Back in the day, I remember attack Reinhardt vs defence Orisa on Hanamura. The fight didn’t end at ground level choke like it does now. Rien could walk in, private de space with barrier, then drop it when the fight was within brawling distance. I think this game was really designed to be up close and personal. But hitscans paired with weak barriers have ruined this notion.

We really are supposed to have Team fights on point. But that rarely happens anymore. Tea mfights rarely happen anymore. It’s all scattered picks that let’s tanks move to point.



Is the direction the team is going to go to fix all of that?

Everyone, even DPS only players know exactly precisely what’s wrong with tanks. Before role queue, whenever you asked them to switch to tank they would always say something like: “why should we switch to something we don’t enjoy playing?” Well, they’re absolutely correct. You created an entire role that’s so unfun to play that not even its target demographic - tank mains want to play it anymore! That’s impressive. And now after all that, the team is finally trying to fix the entire role but we have to wait for the expansion? Looking at the balance history, it seems very likely that tanks will initially be fun to play, and then they’ll get hammered with nerfs until we’re right back to where we are now: with mandatory Rein every match and everyone else is clunky, and waiting for OW3 so that the game can be fun again.

Before you’ll be able to buy back tank mains for OW2, it’s going to take a whole heck of a lot more than “needing to get our hands on the game” (i.e.: please buy our product and you’ll see!) to convince us that the game will be anything but an anti-fun waste of time where we get stunned and pinballed around all match. Not as long as tank players are treated like second class citizens. I mean, you’re giving tanks a passive to reduce knockback - and that’s great, except for you’re also removing most of those types of abilities from other heroes, so you’ll have to excuse my lack of faith.

Many of us are DONE.

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The devs being the only ones who have actually played test builds of overwatch 2 in not a universal shield against criticism.

Anyone who’s played overwatch deserves to have their voiced heard because they know what overwatch feels like to play. If overwatch 2 doesn’t feel like overwatch, why would they call it overwatch 2?

To me, it seems that you are implying that overwatch 2 plays nothing like overwatch 1 to such a degree that no one could possible comprehenend what it feels like to play. If that’s the case you can count me and many other players out. If I want to play Apex or COD or any other DPS focused game, I will.

In addition, you do not have to be a game dev to give your opinion on game balance. That’s a ridiculous implication. It’s one thing to admit you don’t know something, it’s another to kowtow. At the very least, every player knows how the game plays when they play it and they deserve to voice their opinions when characters they’ve played over the last several years are being completely changed.

D.va for sure yes. Zarya is kinda meh after her last nerf though. That said if you are playing only a Zarya in OW 2, even four bubbles wouldn’t be enough to compensate for no shield. I don’t see how they change that hero to fit single tank where it doesn’t change the way she feels to play.

I have to imagine they are going to lower respawn times to be more COD like. Overwatch deaths are very punishing because a single death is supposed to be a big deal in a teamfight. Overwatch has been getting faster and thus the punish for the increased number of deaths has meant more time spent not playing the game. In any case, lower respawn timers means less importance of a death which means that flanking and bad positioning isn’t punished so much. AKA, essentially COD.

lol, that’s how you are supposed to play those heroes. Do you want people to not use their hero’s abilities to get on point?

I hope they have an option for classic overwatch shaders. I like the look of Overwatch, OW2 seems to take the art direction to a different place.

Tanks hold shield because if they let it down in the open they die in 0.5 seconds. What you seem to be recommending is that people go play Valorant.

I’m mean sure and the accompanying decline in player base that came with that.

I’m sure you can build a good active player base by telling players “too bad” on a frequent basis lol. I’m sure you wouldn’t mind if someone made changes to a hero you use that completely changes them and replies with “too bad”. Just insensitive.

League has more than 10 times the playerbase of overwatch.

Again, LoL has over 10x the playerbase with your decried MOBA mechanics so clearly people do like that sort of thing.

FYI you can’t add players by alienating a portion of your existing userbase. If 50% of tank players leave, this in turn would cause increased queues and likely more healer and dps players leaving. You are suggesting they’ll add players by making the game more FPS like but what makes you think people will pickup overwatch over the many many existing online FPS games? You are hoping that by removing what made overwatch unique and becoming another generic FPS shoot with a dash of hero shooter overwatch 2 will gain players. At that point it’ll neither be the best FPS game and won’t appeal to any players who played overwatch for what made it unique. I don’t see any world in which that results in a net gain.

You don’t “make” Tank players to turning the tank role into thick DPS. You just changed the role, might as well just have no role queue at that point.

Yep, wouldn’t want any accidental team work in a team game. You don’t change the entire game because of the absolutely terrible hero design that is sigma. Sigma’s shield was broken since day 1 and it still is. The hero has no weaknesses and his shield is the most versatile by far.


What if instead, we just didn’t get rid of a tank and called it a day.

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But tanks were very fun to play before RoleQ? It wasn’t until after 2-2-2 when players were forced to play tank with bad teammates or vs tank counters when the role became miserable.

Only pewpew players and passive players who thought tanks were barrier drones disliked filling on tank in the past. The current tank dilemma is 2-2-2 with terrible hero balance.

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That’s a ridiculous statement.

It’s virtually impossible to appeal to 100% of your playerbase when making changes.

What they can do is to make the largest group happy.

But the idea that it’s only 100% or 0%, shows you aren’t thinking this through.

No. Before RoleQ is when DPS mains could say “why should we switch to something we don’t enjoy playing”? We see a lot less of that now.

Dps and healers implode even more. Did they quit too? You are thinking about playing tanks like you have been playing them up till now when they keep saying it’s not how tanks are supposed to be played in OW2. Tank is probably a bad term to even use as they’ll be more like brawlers and they sure implode less than dps and healers.

Did you know some tanks don’t even have shields, yet they can still live more than 0.5 seconds? I recommend people start learning how to play. Passive shieldbots that get stuck at chokes have been the bane at lower ranks since the release of the game.

You may believe what you want, I doubt it will draw players to the tanks role and to grow a steady tank player base which would help queue times.

It depends on what is more important to you. You know as I do that the tank role is treated like the plague and not many people want to play tanks.

Congrats you have just been nominated to make youtube videos and do


The community welcomes you!

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People on the forums: “Devs don’t come here because it’s so toxic”

Andy joins the chat with communication

Andy is now Jeff 2.0

Hmmmm… I guess communication really does improve things. Who would have thought.


Its a welcomed change and he was friendly and polite in his responses. It goes a long way with people.

It also felt nice that our concerns were actually recognized.

I hope we can hear more news in the future.

Hey andy, I really do appreciate you taking the time to communicate with the community!

That said, i have a burning question:
You mentioned doomfist getting a possible rework/rebalance/nerf due to less stuns being in the game. What are the odds of his punchjump or whatever you wanna call it (pressing space mid-punch) getting removed? I understand this is a big part of his mobility, but I also feel like its by far his most fun way of getting around.

I’d really like to know if punchjump getting removed is on the table or if I can breathe safely. (I’m curious for the rest of his rebalancing too but this is near and dear to my heart)
Thanks again for the comms!

I never cared about dps-only players and filtered their complaints so I guess I’ll take your word for it. Old overwatch was very rewarding to flex players so I didn’t run into too many DPS-onlys in diamond and masters games. A majority of players I have seen had at least one tank or support hero as back-up.

Anyone who hated playing tank was always welcome to roll the matchmaker dice or queue with a friend who could fill. Heck, the devs even created LFG which was perfect for metal rank players where there were more selfish dps-lockers. Tank was very much fun to play. Most dps-mains, particularly one-tricks, never actually bothered to learn the tank role or it’s heroes because they mistakenly thought “Damage” was the killing role. Most players today still mistakenly think “tank” is for protecting teammates and “support” is for healbotting.

We see a lot less overwatch discussions in general as we have lost much of the playerbase. Well now it’s non-stop “why should I queue tank if we no longer enjoy playing the role?”. Why would dps mains complain about RoleQ? It was made primarily for their benefit. Of course many DPS players love now having a 50/50 chance at selecting their favorite hero first and having guaranteed healers.

RoleQ killed genuine fill players like myself. I will only queue dps these days and I’m not alone. Meanwhile, I fill in OpenQ where tanking is significantly more tolerable and support playstyles are more varied. Catering to less than half the playerbase with 2-2-2 wasn’t the move. Simply creating more pewpew tanks and supports that weren’t just healbots/spongebots would have attracted more players to flex those roles.

I understand the sentiment that you guys are playtesting a lot, but truthfully until we really can play it for ourselves we won’t know how to fully form an opinion on this. Also no offense to the team but the skill levels are vastly different, I doubt there are 12 people on the team who are all GM who can identify crucial issues that pro players in your esport/OWL would immediately recognize. Baptistes Lamp being one of the biggest culprits and problems of current OW right now, would certainly make a ton of things about 5v5 seem overly oppressive.

Speaking of the removal of CC, as a Mei main seeing major utility stripped from her and replaced with “more damage” is extremely worrying. I personally don’t care about CC being toned back, I do however care about removing utility for nothing with the same depth which in turn dumbs down heroes. Can you comment about whether any new utility will be added for those heroes who are having some removed?


Will Winston finally be able wallclimb? I mean, King kong most definetly could do that if we already have 2 DPS both doing it anyway. He could even be slower tho, just saying. In fact, all tanks could be slower than the average hero to become the nemesing MVP they were inteded to be dealing high damage and defensive capabilities… But, even more than that, the diving tanks needs more movement capabilities to keep up with the madness it will become only 1 tank. So maybe D.Va can also d be able to soar or slowly decay like Echo/Mercy? or WB get a increasing speed by keeping the ball spinning non-stop outside grappling? I honestly feel they need something. Just like the Orisa’s foward movement boost or sigma’s free from gravity in a second jump on delay kinda ability. These are all most welcomed implementations imo. But the thing i am most anxious about it i gotta say it’s Mauga. Not only the concept of a dual wielding machine guns + moving shield, possibly richoceting too, AND a hitscan tank is what i feel the most needed addition to the role. As of course, many more supports now that their ratio/player in the team is by far the lowest.