Why do people think tanks are getting buffed? 5v5

Oddly for that, Brig didn’t really broke the game until GOATS came in (Though she did receive tons of nerf mainly because she could delete tracer with all her combo.).

Granted, that’s not the exact case for Sigma.

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I mean, the potential was always there, and it wasn’t until some galaxy brained players came up with GOATS that people realized how busted she was. It’s just funny how even pro players can be wrong about balance because there are long-tail effects to adding new heroes to the game.

True, but we could at least gain some general stride in regards to certain heroes that are well-known issue. (Like the pro patch just made me realize I trust the devs more than them, which is pretty sad.).

I wouldn’t go off that pro patch because they were all making meme changes. Half of them weren’t even making changes for heroes in the role they actually play, which should tell you how seriously they took it.


That tends to get into the issues of “Just because something is balanced, doesn’t mean it’s fun”.

Shooting blue rectangles the majority of the match, with Defence biased metas, isn’t as widely agreed upon as fun, as comps that are Attack biased.

And the vast majority of the playerbase are DPS players, so clearly that playstyle is preferred as “Fun”.

Additionally competitors like Valorant and Apex are much more FPS oriented.

Or as Jeff put it:

Additionally, perhaps the most unfun aspect of the game is queue times.

And any “solution” that doesn’t address queue times, should be ignored.

And if they means a handful of people quit over it, then quit.

The game doesn’t need to be designed to make everybody happy. Just the the largest amount of people happy.

It’s not exactly because it’s DPS biased, it’s because defense-biased metas are insanely hard to punish.

Dive is extremely high risk and high reward, and teams can disrupt any one part of it to blunt or nullify it. Double barrier is extremely low risk and extremely high reward, because there’s very little penalty for making a mistake.

I’d also just say that there’s a lot more kinesthetic enjoyment of movement, and killing players.

Rather than camping, and maybe shooting a player, and hoping they don’t have their damage nullified by a powerful defensive ability. And then just focusing on building an overwhelming amount of “I win” ultimates.

One of the reasons the game feels so hard to punish is actually supports. This is moving away from my original post (The devs haven’t even tried to fix the tank problem. They are just jumping to remove an aspect) but healing in ow is insane and is why defensive abilities feel so strong. Immortality field, ana grenade, all the aoe healing, and the fact you have 2 supports. The game would feel less defensive if you removed a support instead of a tank.

I mean, that’s true on a visceral level, but out-playing dive feels way better than out-playing double barrier. You have to make quite a few compounding mistakes in a very short period of time to mess up double barrier, where a single positioning error can cost you a team fight with dive.

Playing 1-2-1 instead of 1-1-2 in TDM is certainly a very different experience, but putting all the heat on the vastly easier to kill support role is a pretty big thonker.

edit: Also, it doesn’t address the fact that Ana dominates healing-starved comps by a huge margin. Baptiste doesn’t normally come close in TDM matches.

I mean, it bottomlines to “Too much defensive abilities in compositions”.

The could have taken a route of absolutely gutting any tank-like ability on non-tank heroes, or shoving those heroes into the tank role.

But instead of getting rid of “Wanna-be offtanks”, they got rid of offtanks.

Isn’t the point of the game supposed to be to kill the supports? If you want your supports to be difficult to kill and be able to do a lot of damage that’s fine, it your opinion. But a good competitive game is supposed to have characters/roles that have weaknesses. In return for being somewhat easier to kill, supports have crazy powerful abilities that can swing fight ie. sleep dart, immortality, rez, speed boost. It seems like you want every character to be able to do a whole lot, when I feel ow is about having individual pieces that do small things that you put together.

Are Apex and Valorant not competitive games?

Apex and Valorant have characters that have weaknesses, and the goal of those games is to have everyone be roughly the same. The difference is the weapons, not the heroes. In ow the difference is supposed to be the heroes.

I view that as more of a “RPG Jobs” perspective.

And clearly Overwatch is moving closer to Apex/Valorant, and further away from LoL/WOW PVP.

So your solution is to make tanks kinda bad so you need two of them, and make supports (which you admit are already problematic) even better since you only want one of them? :thinking:

Happy to see a Blizz response. I’m dubious they can have both only 1 tank while simultaneously having less pressure on that sole tank. Not sure how that would work.

So flanker buffed confirmed, tank removal confirmed.

Yeah not to mention the fun tank synergies we have like Rein/Zarya

No thanks. I’ve already moved on from this game.

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Happy sojourn enthusiast noises I hope we finally see more in-depth gameplay of her soon.

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Please tell me… what is happening to my baby, Orisa?