Why do people still make Mercy posts?

I’m not saying your part was specifically about complaining. I’m saying that you can love a character, hate their rework, but still like the character enough to want to keep playing even if it doesn’t bring you as much joy as it used to. That, and that it’s not wrong to keep playing a character even while actively wanting her to be changed.

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It absolutely has played a part!

I wouldn’t trust anyone who said otherwise.


I guess the next question would be how much of her change in pickrate should be accredited to the rework vs the introduction of more/better healers. Not sure how you’d calculate that though…

If folks stay silent nothing will change. If people keep nagging eventually the devs will get around to doing something.


Well, you have other signals you can use.

Lets take the one which people talk about a lot. In silver, people pick Ana over Mercy.

Now, historically, that has never happened. It USED to be that at the low ranks Mercy completely wiped the table with Ana, and it isn’t Meta based, since, silver is it’s own thing, Metas coming and going don’t do a lot down there.

Now you have a hero with a MUCH lower win rate, being picked over her. It is like people are willing to lose over using Mercy, and that never happened in the past.

I would take that as a sign that something went wrong. How much of it is all the Mercy players leaving for Moira, is up in the air.

But that Ana is picked over her in ranks where people can’t aim (and the win rates show that) is pretty alarming.


Guess I can’t argue with that. I still think Valkyrie is healthier than Mass Rez (although I’m setting that bar pretty low), but I still think there’s room for improvements that would make Mercy feel fun and impactful again without having to bring back the controversial quintuple-undo button.

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Think of it like your favorite ice cream/preferred treat being suddenly changed by the company.

You are dissatisfied with that change and want to suggest or persuade the company to make tweaks or full changes. It’s also fairly public that others that once loved the same treat no longer do, or do to a lesser extent thus bolstering and encouraging your continued voicing of displeasure.

That’s the best way to describe it really.

I think there are compromises available to a decent extent that could really help bridge the gap and assist in unifying the Mercy player base.

While they can’t please everyone, they could certainly try to please more.


We are in FULL agreement :slight_smile:

I don’t want to see multiRez back either.

My problem was that multiRez was too strong and ate too much of the rest of her kit.

My problem now is Valk + Rez is even stronger, and has eaten even more of the rest of her kit.

She is like if they put deadeye on McCree as a cooldown, found it was too strong, so nerfed his gun. The result could be balanced, but is less fun.


It was said around January 2018, I don’t remember if it was an interview, dev post, or dev update. But I clearly remember everyone getting annoyed by that declaration followed by a huge nerf in the very next patch (when she lost the instant rez on Valkyrie, and a 50% flying speed nerf).

After that, the only nerfs she received were the beam healing reduction and losing the ability to damage boost Dragonstrike.

The damage boost changes were also seen as a nerf by quite a few people, but not a big one.

But yeah, I remember the interview and then the big nerf to rez, and the people being VERY upset by it.

I think the ghetto threads were still in action, and a lot of people got their posts deleted.

Yeah I hear that… I was skeptical of the ult on a cooldown at first too. (And later annoyed when they followed suit with Sym and Torb)

I honestly really like Rez exactly the way it is right now though. It’s Valk that I’d look at tuning to make it feel more impactful.

Wait, which damage boost change? The last change I remember was when Hanzo and Dva ults stopped being boostable, and that was a while ago.

They made it so damage boosts only apply to projectiles when they’re being fired not when they make contact

I’d make it shorter, and either make it stronger, or better, just make her base kit stronger. I got sick of putting my healing beam on someone, and then watching them die.

I expect they did that because it made Pharmercy weaker, without impacting the rest of the combinations.

It means they are more free to buff Pharah or Damage boost (or both) without Pharmercy becoming even stronger.

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Oh yeah, completely forgot about that.

Honestly not sure how I feel about it…

if it were up to me, base healing would be buffed to 55, her original 60 might be overkill.

As for Valk, I agree with you on making it shorter and more powerful, but I also really like Megadodo’s “Big mains / little chains” proposal, which makes the main healing/damage-boost beam be much more powerful than they are currently, while making any chained targets receive a smaller buff. Don’t remember the exact numbers, and that doesn’t really matter, cuz the important thing is that this gives you something to prioritize, to strategize, rather than just hovering and holding left/right click to absentmindedly aid your whole team.

While I resent mercy being nerfed as a means of nerfing Pharmercy, if it means they’re ready to buff Pharah so that she’s independently viable without needing any more Mercy nerfs, I’m fine with the latest damage boost change. I don’t feel like it’s affected me that much tbh.

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IMO, I would make Valk beam be greatly improved on the main target, and make the branching beams weaker.

Eg, the main target is healed by 90 HPS, but the branches only get 30 HPS. Damage boost on main target becomes 50%, but on branches become 15%.

This would give Mercy back target prioritization on her beams instead of “target anyone in the middle and it’s done”. 90 HPS is also strong enough that it might help keeping a main target alive, but not strong enough to overshadow Coalescence, or be a major problem on low ranks.

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That’s exactly what I meant by “big mains little chains” in Megadodo’s proposal


It wasn’t back in v1.0, so they it is possible to make it not now, but, I’m not sure if they would have to change Rez.

I don’t see eye to eye with Megadodo often, but, big mains / little chains is an amazing suggestion, and I am a huge fan of it. If we are to keep Valk, it is a good change.

That is pretty much how I feel about it.

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This proposal is definitely older than this thread. I think I read about it shortly after the rework, but people were more worried about Rez being too strong at the time (and it was) than making Valkyrie more decision-based.

But yeah, this specific change is probably the most accessible way to make Valkyrie more fun. I love that more people are accepting it as a viable option.


No argument there, I’m thinking back to early Valk when Mercy was undeniably OPAF. they kept gutting her to make her fair, and I think they finally went too far when they dropped her from 60 to 50 and buffed every other healer in the same patch. Because they did both at the same time I’ll never know whether 60 would have still been too much even after buffing everyone else. I offer 55 as a more reasonable compromise if the majority opinion is that 60 was still too much, but I’m not strictly against giving her back the 60.

It’s the best suggestion I’ve ever seen in the forums. On any topic.

Megadodo admits that this has been a working idea for a while, inspired in part by even earlier posts. This is merely the latest revision of Megadodo’s take on the idea. I don’t agree with all of it, but the chaining thing is brilliant and i can’t imagine ever going back to thinking Valk is better off the way it is than it would be with those changes.

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