Why do people still make Mercy posts?

Genuine question. The devs have already said they think she’s fine and they believe majority player base think she’s fine. Granted it’s skewed because a good amount of people who think she’s fine also hate Mercy so if they think she’s fine… maybe that’s an issue but that’s beside the point. Given how the devs have said, more or less, they do not care what Mercy players think, why? Why continue forum posts?

A good way to describe this is with online petitions. I think Article 13 got 5 million signatures for it to not happen. The petition did nothing. They mean nothing. People giving their opinions mean nothing. Hard data does though. A more logical solution is literally to stop playing this hero. If you love Mercy, hate her current kit but continue to play her that contradicts itself. The devs don’t care a massive amount about what people say online they care greatly about stats for the heroes though. If her pick rate plummets they will eventually look at her. If it stays high like it is then why would they do anything? Food for thought.

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Probably because then it’d just be another Bastion situation but with Mercy. Besides, people might find Mercy’s playstyle to be enjoyable and comforting, but still say, “I think this could be better.” There’s a lot of things that could be fixed with Mercy and make her gameplay experience so much more enriching. We could fix her on-fire rate. We could let Rez be cancellable. Of course, this is my particular experience with Mercy and Blizzard.

Pickrates can often be misleading. A popular hero doesn’t mean that they’re performing well.


Because dev’s minds can change, and the European Union is WAY more different than a game company and a forum that was literally created to give feedback and discussion


It’s a sacred ritual that must be maintained daily

Untold havoc will wreck the forums if we go 24 hours without a post about Mercy


it’s not a contradiction to like a character but hate the way they change her. I think Mercy’s more or less fine, even though there are some tweaks I’d still be interested in, but I’m not just going to give up without a fight if they take away the heart and soul of my favorite character. And I’m also not going to give up on my favorite character just because they might not be in a healthy place.

I’ll stand by Mercy and Rein, rain or shine.


And also that. Some sects of Mercydom are still in search of the arcane ritual that will bring back Mass Rez.

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Bastion doesn’t have the situation Mercy does. He also has never been the best hero in the game who needed 15 nerfs to make reasonably balanced. If Mercy, the 5th most played hero, suddenly dropped to Bastion level, the devs would notice.

This is irrelevant, someone will always find something enjoyable. Please the masses over the few.

I’d vote for complete rework without Rez since Rez is such a controversial ability and her kit flies open with possibility without this awful clunky ability. I’ve never liked it and the people who say it’s her identity know nothing about her.

To the devs a high pick rate mean they’re performing well enough to not need changes.

Oh yeah my bad the past year and a half of people saying “don’t release this rework” which evolved to “stop nerfing Mercy just revert her and nerf her old kit” which evolved to “you ruined Mercy with this rework why don’t you revert her” which has settled with “you made Mercy very un-impactful and a chore to play” means the devs mind change frequently. But thank god for those few people who actually enjoy playing this hero.

Yes it is actually. If you hate a hero, why play them?

It’s been a year and a half maybe what you’re doing is a dead end and all of you are beating a dead horse.

Definition of insanity: doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.

All of you fall under this definition.

No one said give up I said change your idea of how to get things done.

If we follow this logic to the extreme, then after devs say they think a hero is in a good spot and needs no changes then we are all universally unallowed to post about them ever again until the end of time. Soon each hero would drop off the forums, until eventually we arrive at the last surviving hero we are able to talk about and discuss what we want for kit changes.

After that I guess we all just talk about the payload or something :rofl:

I hate how Pharah is so insanely countered and hard to play without a pocket, yet I still play her because I love her character.

I hate Brigitte’s current kit because it’s so hard to get value from compared to other healers when running 222, but I still play her because I love Brigitte Lindholm as a character and her lore and design and the concept of a shieldmaiden.

It’s a situation like “Well I really wish this hero’s kit was different but they’re still my favorite character so I’ll just suffer thru it and make the best of it for now and put my opinions about what I wish their kit was like on the forums”


Interesting. You would think that by the tenth nerf, they would realize that the rework isn’t in the right direction? Of course, an alternative simpler solution would have been to nerf Mass Rez and give her an E ability to compensate, while maintaining her fluid playstyle, but I digress.

To you, it might be irrelevant, but to me, it’s valid reasoning. Mercy is popular, therefore there will be more Mercy posts.

Perhaps, but Blizzard has worked too hard to get this far just to keep it in the game. If there’s one thing we know about Blizzard, it’s that they don’t like admitting mistakes.

Ah, the lowest form of disagreement: name-calling.
Calling someone a grandiose aficionado has as much weight as dishing out a derogatory insult.


except mercy is nowhere near as ignored or f tier as bastion.
Bastion barely had any changes in two years and never truly was meta outside of when he had 35% ironclad… for two days.

Considering how much the devs talk about her, how much they did on her, the last thing you can say is that she’s ignored like bastion.

My problem is how they act as if mercy is a throw pick f tier hero, when even other healers are in a worse spot than her, let alone 90% of the dps roster

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Because I don’t hate everything about her? Because I like her as a story character even if I don’t like her current kit? Because I love parts of her kit but not all of it? There could be plenty of reasons.

Your solution was literally to stop playing the character. I don’t see how that’s getting anything done.


That was not my implication. The argument I proposed is that “If Mercy had a low pickrate similar to Bastion, what’s to say that Bastion’s situation can’t occur to her?” If you had read the original post, you would see that OP had stated:

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I mean, gonna stop you right there, a number of people have outright said they don’t care, they’ll continue to try because “it’s never a guaranteed no, there’s always a chance they’ll change their mind as they’ve done in the past.”

And yes, I know, there’s also a chance of winning the million dollar lottery. Doesn’t mean it’s gonna happen.

I completely agree with you here.

People claim to absolutely hate playing her… then they continue to play her. Like, sorta shooting yourself in the foot there.

If you completely hate playing her then I can understand not playing her anymore. But if you never liked playing her then this post doesn’t apply to you, and if you used to like playing her but you hate it now I don’t see any reason not to complain about it on a forum literally designed for expressing your opinions on Overwatch gameplay.


This is funny… Esspecially in the context of Mercy… How many times did they say just that, just to make a 180 shortly after and nerf her again?


Out of curiosity I want a history lesson

at what point in time did they determine she was fine and what nerfs followed

The only nerf I distinctly know of is loweirng her hps

I mean, they said Valk was better than Mass Rez, and that they weren’t going to revert that decision. I’m not sure they ever said “aha! We like this. We’re done here” though…

And they have an obnoxious tendency to overcompensate both their buffs and their nerfs when it comes to mercy.


It did from Mercy V1 to current Mercy.

Many people stopped playing her, NOT because of the multirez change, but because they screwed up her game play.

She could get her gameplay back, and she was unique, so, there wasn’t another hero for them to switch to which they enjoyed as much.

Basically they think she is still broken, so they still post.

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Everyone always brings up that statistic. I’m not disagreeing, but are people typically accounting for the fact that there were literally less healers available before the rework? I’m just wondering if that could have any noticeable effect on the change in pick rate. I know it’s not going to be the sole factor, but could it play a part?

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But that part wasn’t about complaining. It’s about playing. And whether or not you used to like her is irrelevant when it comes to playing her now.

If you don’t like her, then don’t play her, and actually show your distaste is backed up with actions, and you aren’t just complaining because you feel like it.