Why do people hate flashpoint?

I like it but the maps are just a tad too large for how fast the capture points tick. It does feel like more time is spent walking than fighting.

It’s also a shame that most of the map is unused and you’re really discouraged from being anywhere on the map that isn’t the FP.

It’s not 2cp because of how the angles change and how one team can be defender and then turn around and be attacker.

It’s just koth with rng.

I like the concept. Keeps things more interesting than the same 2-3 hallways per koth maps.


It’s everything bad about 2CP, but now it’s 3CP and nothing but snowball simulator 5000


because you spend a lot of time running to the point, the maps are toooooo big, if you die first when you come back to the point the other team already have 50%, they will never do a rework of the maps so my only solution to make the mode more tolerable is making respawn time a lot shorter, 5 seconds max. oh and talking about respawn, why the respawn rooms are so big and why you respawn at the bottom of the room? more time wasted

I feel like the maps are too big and it is too easy to get split spawned, even with the ‘F’ to teleport. The large maps seem to put too much emphasis on hypermobility making heroes like Lucio feel mandatory. They also seems to snowball very hard.

I liked Gundam Evolution’s equivalent mode a lot more. The spawns never moved so getting split spawned was never an issue. The maps were smaller, and felt less like the walking/waiting simulator that Flashpoint can fall into. There was still the same decisions to make about when to try moving to the next point vs going in for a recontest, and still had the fights in transit to the objectives.

Overall I feel like Gundam Evolution’s version of the mode just flowed a lot better.

I dislike it because…
Random spawns.
Too spread out makes slow heroes feel bad to play again like 2 cp, faster heroes always have the best advantages like always.
When you play heroes that move alot you can forget which side is the attacking side and which is the defending side which makes it hard to plot your strats. (Playing doom and moving/zooming around everywhere and not knowing which side is the attacking side’s entrance or not).

The big space makes certain supports not be able to heal as easily and playing with them sucks, way more LoS to worry about as a tank.

There is no fast travel system, just slow walking to the points.

Prolly instant reports too lolz

Because matchmaking makes one-sided matches typically it turns into either a spawn camp or walking/respawn simulator… for one side

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for such a large map, how could it not be 6v6?

I don’t think there’s anything inherently flawed about the mode itself, but like others have said, the maps are big to a fault. Lots of walking and waiting and doing nothing.

Plus, there’s a bunch of random disorganized team fights in the spaces between points that just aren’t fun to participate in imo. Constant chaos isn’t a thing I enjoy in this game (save for mayhem, but thats cause of the double health)

I admit I don’t hate it as much as I did at launch, but I have yet to outwardly enjoy a match.

it hs no momentum reset like koth and koth is not the best game mode it takes everything bad about koth and ramps it up to 11

I think it needs to be reworked. Like others have said, the map forces you to play mobility/AoE heroes. 2cp doesn’t have this problem because you can approach the point without getting punished. Flashpoint forces you to walk long distances and always be in potential to get flanked.

False advertising… theres no flashing…

I mainly dislike it for the same reasons I don’t like Push - the capturing of objectives is way too short, the walking all over the map is way too far, and the match itself takes way too long.

I also don’t like how it plays like a battle royale, due to such big maps and many entry points making it very small skirmish oriented. Lots of 1v1 and 2v2 going on.

Lastly, how it plays puts very little importance on “tanking” as we know it. You just pick the most dps oriented tank.

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It’s not a terrible mode.

The maps are just too large.

And there are too many rounds.

When it’s fun, it’s a genuinely a good time. But if yours or the other team gets staggered and scattered, it’s dull as door nails, as it just turns into a running simulator.

It should have been just an arcade mode. If I see it in QP, I just leave it at the team formation phase.

For me because it is another mode to steer away from teamplay. Everyone is running around everywhere.

No way they are investing anything into overwatch.

Why do people hate flashpoint?

I think the Overwatch community, in general, is scared about learning new ways of playing the game. When they don’t understand how a new game mode works fast, they get frustrated and give a hasty negative opinion.

Flashpoint is a pretty rich game mode with many possible strategies. I’ll never understand how some players would rather push a slow payload or a robot, especially in 5v5… but well…

Running 180m to point is mind numbing and favours high mobility heroes far too much to the point of imbalance.

the walk simulator aspect can feel tedious, but i like the india map.
junker map is pretty bad imo.

its the least “overwatchy” mode to me, but if you like or not the mode in general i think boils down to liking a more scrappy version of ow than “organized teamfights”.

maybe over time though it begins to be played in more coherent manner once people know it by heart.