Why do people hate flashpoint?


Genuine curiosity. Not saying you shouldn’t, just like to know why exactly.


Personally-- it takes too long on qp and even longer on comp


I don’t hate the mode, I just don’t really like the maps (don’t hate them either though, there’s not much I genuinely hate in/about this game). They’re just pretty big and it feels really awful for heroes who don’t have a lot of mobility, also there are a lot of long open sightlines which heavily favor certain types of heroes (the ones I don’t particularly enjoy playing…though that’s not really a flaw in the maps I suppose, just something I personally don’t like). I really like Suravasa aesthetically (might just be one of my favorite maps just in terms of how they look), and both maps have been pretty fun to just wallride around in as Lúcio in custom games, but in actual matches it just feels like a huge chunk of the time is spent on just walking around, and the matches tend to last quite a long time (for qp at least, I prefer my matches on the shorter 5-8 minute side)

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It’s just a game mode designed for smaller maps put into really big maps. They tried to Call of Duty their game by adding in Hard Point, unaware of what actually works for that game mode and the reason people play it on Call of Duty.

So they turned it into just a big walking simulator. So now when the game mode comes up for me, like Push, it’s just an instant leave and search for a new lobby.


they are the same as koth but instead of being teleported to next point you walk your lazy butt to the next one. no one on this earth has time for that


I don’t hate it but it is too much walking and if you lose the point once there is no recapturing.

The biggest irony is that the star watch mode was a much better version of it because of the smaller map (even though it was unbalanced)


Nah, i actually enjoy it.


Most of the complaints seem to be about the large map, and having to walk a lot.

I don’t get it personally. The spawn rooms change and the distance between the spawns and points aren’t too different from regular control point/koth. Only difference is walking between points right after one has been captured.

Other than that, in my opinion, it just feels like a more fluid version of control point.


Because it requires you to adjust your hero choice if the team doesn’t have a Lucio. Playing a low mobility hero puts you at a distinct disadvantage on these maps, and some people don’t want to get off their low mobility comfort picks.


cause idiots dont know how to rg.

I like the mode but only if you have a stack


How is low mobility a disadvantage exactly?

Again considering you’re playing in/around the designated areas where the current control point and spawns are, which are comparable to the size of a regular control point map.

I play QP, not comp, sooo:

  • I get new/bad players often, who just have no clue, what to do there
  • I get often lost there
  • too long for a QP, too many people leave till it´s done
  • what I hate most - when point moves, it often leaves you in the bad position, like you have enemy spawn between you and point, or you and rest of your team (cause you happend to respawn while it happend).
  • it´s chaos. And healing chaos is not fun.

Because getting to the points first grants a distinct advantage, as most have great defensive cover. And being more mobile allows you to decide where the fight takes place if you don’t want to fight on the point.

Also, that mobility helps a lot between points, as slower characters can get picked off if they don’t move with the group. Which happens a lot with rando teammates.


Imo I dont care about flashpoint mainly because jts just a 3CP (with spawncamping sometimes as the cherry on top) . And for that reason I kinda don’t see the point of taking out 2CP now which felt exactly the same as flashpoint but way faster.


Fair. I can’t off the top of my head remember how much time there is before each point activates. But adjusting that may make it less stressful to reposition in between points.

And gives teams more time to try and push back enemies who are already set up on point, perhaps waiting for it to activate.

Idk, maybe.

It’s not very long between cap and next point unlock, but that’s kind of the point. It Flashpoint, not Crawlpoint. It’s supposed to be fast paced. :smile:

its not bad. but the spawns need to be adjusted.

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Skill issue. Walking distance is the same as payload, so that excuse been dead.

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I feel that it is too easy for people to get distracted when you need to rotate, but the mode demands clean rotations. That can be relatively annoying and I am certainly guilty of it myself. I was accidentally spawn trapping two supports until I realized the point was across the map. Attention diff, I suppose.


I actually like it. Racing to secure an objective, having skirmishes in the streets… I think it’s fun.

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