?!?!? Why do people complain that Blizz doesn’t listen ?!?!?

The information available to me strongly suggests a lack of reading rather than reading and discarding based on issues.

Since I last posted in this thread 18 days ago Geoff Goodman has read ~ 200 posts and Jeff Kaplan has read ~ 100 posts.

It’s possible they get summaries/have alternative accounts. But, I have no data to suggest that is the case.

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the problem is they address things poorly and exceptionally late.

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I would suggest that if there is an established responsibility to collate forum feedback, then it will not lie with the senior leadership of the Overwatch team.

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Senior leadership producing the report would be unlikely but, if such a report existed they’d be reading it.

The lead’s posted on multiple occasions in ways that strongly suggest he has little idea of large sections of the feedback is about at times. If you were getting reports that would not be happening or happening for long.

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They aren’t always addressing the issues the way that some people want (arguably they are addressing them exactly the way that others want) but your examples perfectly point out that they are listening to the community. When we speak about the character they always get addressed, eventually.
They have to address the issues rationally though, they cant just get rid of the hook so they took away its ability to insta-kill, now its in a good place. Same goes for most character abilities. After this next update I believe Ana Lucio and mercy will be in a good place too.

It’s about traction. There’s always a couple popular ideas that either get parroted or highly upvoted, and Blizz always ignores it. They always seem to want to surprise us with the “THEY NEVER THOUGHT WE’D DO THIS! HA! WHAT GENIUSES!” when all we really wanted was like…a 10% spread reduction.

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Oh yeah cuz us bastion players have been heard so well they deliver to who ever is crying loudest not who has good points

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They haven’t commented on the state of hanzo despite his god tier pick rate, which was much higher than Brig (pre and post brig nerfs) last season, private profiles makes it hard to gather data but currently on overbuff he’s still the most picked DPS and 7th overall, and from personal experience one tricks/sniper mains dont have open profiles… cause y’all toxic.

They don’t care about balance, look at Moira, Brig & Hanzo (Moira was the most picked hero in season 9 if people forget :slight_smile: )

hanzo has been in a super OP state for a long time and they have said nothing on this, he has recieved two minor nerfs which don’t address the issues at all and playing any tank rn against a hanzo feels worse than a reaper being point blank shooting you. How is that balanced?
Why don’t they comment on this?
Why are they still nerfing Brig and not touching Hanzo?


However, unlike some of the other heroes, Moira is pretty balanced, though very annoying to play against.

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1000 different suggestion on how to address 1 topic…they pick one…999 people still think they dont listen…

or my personal favorite…they havnt come out and said they are specifically aware about a certain issue…theyre ignoring everyone!

forum logic

more in depth answer: i think its everyones desire to feel like they had a direct say in what happened in game…so they want feedback to the specific questions theyre interested in hearing the answers to…reality is they merely use these forums to gauge where the game is…doesnt mean theyll do what people are suggesting…its their game after all :confused:

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Moira had no balance changes since her top tier pickrate days
it’s just circumstance and Brig that’s keeping her down
if Hanzo wasn’t a thing there would be so many balance changes people would realise the game needs
(Like Orisa, nerf the horse.)

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Orisa? Are you mad?

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Based on what did they change Hanzo? It was based off this forum’s whining so if you want to bring up Hanzo then remember that this forum whined about scattter or months. Furthermore Moira is not good and brig is also fine in terms of balance. In terms of design they are trash but that doesn’t matter. Your comment illustrates exactly why they shouldn’t listen to these forums even though they do: because people around here don’t actually care about balance. just about feels

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There was like milion Mercy threads which they never answered. None of them, instead of they threw every single post into one mega (abyss) thread.

Pretending like they don’t even exist.

Eventually deleting Mega-Abyss-Thread they created, which contained lots of great ideas to make mercy both fun to play as and against.

This how Blizzard cares about and appreciate their own community and feedback. Treating them like garbage.

This was just a simple slap in the face from Blizz. :slightly_smiling_face: :relaxed: :ok_hand:


See this is the type of person who suggests stupid changes, gets their way, it turns out horribly and then they come back and say “devs don’t listen to us weh”

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except Jeff did…but it wasnt a good enough response for everyone… :confused:

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In a thread that wasn’t even remotely about Mercy. Quite telling, to be honest.

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so? oh hey person of interest X addressed an issue about Y in a press conference about Z…

guess they didnt say it…we can ignore it i guess…

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The point is, they never addressed the issue directly. The fact that we had a reply in a completely unrelated thread (which eventually got moved into the megadump), ticked off more than a few people, and did more harm to the general perception of the Overwatch team than anything else.

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It’s pretty ironic. Blizzard ( Overwatch team especially ) is often more active with community responses than the majority of other gaming companies in my experience.

The problem is that people will always complain and take their situation as evidence of Blizzard ignoring the community.