Agree so much , this was the downfall of sombra…
Which proves my point.
‘‘Blizzard dosnt listen’’
Without counting all the examples i said and just focusing on reworks.
If blizzard heard the whining from the pros and nerfed sombra - they did not listen to the counter arguments that people made in these forums, GOOD, WELL WRITTEN feedback like people like xaron or somvra make often in this forums.
Being aware of feedback and actually analise it are 2 diferent things.
just look at our man geoff
Someone could see that interview and said ``wait a minute , they do listen to feedback’’ but if you would take the time to read it you would realize its a charade.
The interview goes give or take im right and they are wrong because they dont know how to play her.
Im not as informed as with sombra. But after making a rework who the vast majority claimed it would bring problems and having a megatrhead with almost unanimously agreeing the problem was making her ult an E abilitie they continue to nerf her ( 10+ nerfs and counting) without accepting failure.
again, hearding complains but not listening…
[Edited] I forgot the most insulting case of neglect