Why do I get penalized?

considering that overwatch has probably only ever crashed 3 times since i got it years ago i would be willing to say its your hardware so technically is still your fault.

Awful lot of people skimming the psychology wiki today.

That is ironic, because you JUST called arguments made up and now you are asserting it never happens because it never happens to you despite the fact that it happened twice this week when quarantine started, you can look it up, as it was recorded. We live in a world where you can verify it did indeed happen. And you can reproduce the results any time there is a patch.

Either you know for a fact I am telling the truth and you are just trolling me, or you are being willfully ignorant in an incessant need to defend the game because…


You’re trying way too hard and i’m not nearly as invested in this thread as you want me to be.

Exactly, I could tell you were just trolling. I am not that invested either, but I prefer we do not spread misinformation and I saw you were tricking someone who was liking your posts, so it felt somewhat necessary to call you out on the fallacy. Have a good one.


Overwatch Forums: Where anyone who says anything i don’t agree with is “spreading misinformation and trolling”

Internet cliche’s aren’t a substitute for a personality, but hey, you do you. Keep pounding that keyboard.

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I am actually on a super obnoxious tablet. It is really hard to type on, to be real with you. But I am always down for a debate if you want to refute anything I say. It is kind of hard to deny them hard facts, tho.

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Yeah i don’t have the time, energy, or patience required to clear your particular brand of arbitrary “fact hurdle”

We love to call them “debates” but the more accurate term is “bad faith arguments”

I think everyone should get 1 free leave per season in case of some unexpected fluke in the connection or hardware

Yes, you do. You cannot stop responding to me to keep denying reality. So surely you could look up whether or not Blizzard servers were down a week ago. You probably already did and that is why you do not want to commit to it.

Can I just ask you why? Why are you so adamant about this narrative that the Blizzard servers are infallible and any problems cannot possibly be Blizzards responsibility?


Same here, but my penalties unfortunately where also from rage quitting as well as just the internet being a jerk. It goes by quick though, penalty doesn’t mean you can’t play either luckily, just means you won’t get as much EXP.

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I’ve raged quit before not in a long while maybe a year ago was my last but not my proudest moment :grimacing:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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I have never experienced this before.
When I played and a new patch get released I was always able to finish the game and instantly after that a window would pop up, that a new version is available and that I have to restart the client.

PC player though. Maybe it’s different on consoles :woman_shrugging:


Oh, maybe. To be fair, it does not even punish you for it on console, it just kicks you.


I usually rage quit when people just aren’t playing the game and rather fight people and lose having not be focusing on the objective, than fight people as well as trying to win while also paying attention to getting kills and guarding/claiming whatever it is we are suppose to be guarding/claiming at the moment.

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That makes sense just don’t do it in comp those people will rip you to shreds :grimacing:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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I ripped them to shreds right back, I don’t play around when people want to be overly competitive and egotistical. XD That is just me though. They don’t have a right to yell at me just because they take their game too seriously, and I just happen to still be able to remember IT IS A GAME.

Lucky for them though, I guess, is I don’t play comp often because stress levels are too high and it just makes the game not fun anymore. So they don’t have to put up with my bull too much. XD

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I’m not usually a competitive person but I want those SR points for my Mei and D.va golden guns I already have Mercy’s and I’ll have to trudge through again for Echo’s but eh a little stress now and again isn’t that bad right? :sweat_smile:

I place silver and or bronze since the 3 category thing I used to place high gold back in the day and in comp elimination I reached plat I’m a roller coaster of bad luck :rofl:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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I guess, I am not really into golden weapons though, they just don’t seem like much of a prize for me if I where to be torturing myself in comp. Once I can buy locked event only collectables for my favorite characters, then Blizzard may talk me into playing comp more religiously. XD

Or even better pay me in game currency for winning a Comp mode game.

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I only want them because I main those 3 and 4 soon and it’s needed to complete the set and I mark it as I really am a main of said character :smile:

Always remember positivity is :key:

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