Why do i always get bad teammates?

Yeah, you need to watch replays to be sure that mistakes are all observed. And remember that people are human.

That said, the match making is s***. XD

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20 matches? :thinking: Imagine how many games the OP must have lost in the 13 months after he made this post. :wink: :grin:

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Man stop talking. It’s not simply one dudes fault, it’s a TEAM GAME for crying out loud. NOBODY that plays seems to actually understand that aspect of the game. Just mesmerized by all the characters and the maps and the stupid nonsense like emotes and voice lines. How do I downvote this nonsense?


There is no point sitting around and wasting time if your team is incompetent like in the examples above your comment. So for you to report someone for leaving, just know that they are probably reporting you right back for gameplay sabotage or whatever else you do ( if you ignorantly talk back and accuse the person that is accusing you of something). Dont report people for leaving report the game for bad matchmaking

the more you win the higher the chance that you get bad players or more accurately players that have been losing because the system thinks you’re good enough to “carry” them and make the match as close to a 50/50 chance to win.

you’re basically being punished for success in this horrible match making game


I must be playing like a freaking masters player then cause I’ve gotten more than one qp game recently where I have more than one masters/GM player on both sides…

The true reason :smiling_face_with_tear:

At this point for every obvious forced loss I’m reporting my team and the other team. If Blizzard wants to make my experience this way then I’ll make it so others suffer as well.

This might be the dumbest thing anyone’s ever said. When there are 6 players on a team, you could be doing perfectly, but you’re going to lose if everyone else is terrible.

Think before you speak.


Is this what you tell your teammates to justify playing reddit lucio? :roll_eyes:

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Right, I have a decent W/L ratio, usually always gold or silver, but it’s my fault when the TEAM crumbles. People like Bagman treat this game and other people with little to no respect and it’s ruining what little there is left of this game.

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Attack lucio? hahha :rofl:

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IDK man but I watched Emongg 2 days ago. Hes was thrown into backfill game on control after first round loss. He took Hog and hard carry 3 fights in a row making 3+ solo elims each fight. Suddenly his terrible teamates starts look and play better. Game was easily won.

Even Kabaji lost some games in gold and plat due to teamates having 40+ elims in a game but still was able to keep like 7-3 win ratio and climb.

So all in all it is always you. You might think you play good while if you show your replay to GM player he would notice tons of bad decisions you make.

I think you kind of get the teammates you deserve. Sometimes though, RNGesus will saddle you with more bad ones than you deserve but that doesn’t happen as often as one would think.

What in the necromancy?

So it’s definitely a you thing

You’re name checks

Also, what’s up with this thread getting necroed so much?

Ego is human.

2k dmg dps, while im at 12k yeah its my fault my bad g

Dude, I get the same stuff all the time, the matchmaking is absolutely garbage and I never get teammates that actually know what they are doing. People are so toxic about everything and I’m usually better than my team 99% of the time and we all should at least be having a close kill count to one another (support is diff so not counting it) I know I can make some dumb moves sometimes but doesn’t mean I don’t come back from it but other people refuse to counter pick and are genuinely just bad at the game and it ruins my experience cause I get a loss every damn game (A win when I get actual people that are within my skill rate) because the other team outskills since none of my team knows what teamwork is and grouping together is.

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Those are professional players. Not average people like us bro.