Why do i keep getting bad teammates, does this game hate me or something? I’ve never been so frustated in a game. Sure i’m not the best player, but i keep getting enemies who help each other, playing tank,dps and healer, my team just runs on their own, never heal, always get lower lvls. I take just 2 hours just to get 3 wins, and it’s just not fun at all! If it’s other game i wouldn’t mind much, but i’m sick and tired of losing because of my team, and then the enemy team saying ez and you suck, like wtf!?
beacuse you cant avoid yourself
You’re just noticing your teammate’s mistakes more than you are your enemies.
If you’re consistently losing matches, that’s no ones fault but yourself.
It happens to everyone… Ive gotten so tilted before because I went on huge losing streaks… at the end of the day I will never be a GM player so I just do what I can at my best and try to enjoy the game. You can only hope something changes with OW2 but until then things are gonna stay the same probably.
Blizzard keep 11 pro players at ready in their HQ and as soon as some player get into a certain situational win or loss streak, they ring the bells and they are put into your next game with randomly generated profiles, where they will play as necessary to give you a free win or loss to keep your skill in check.
Seriously, they even have metal poles to slide down to call like firefighters.
i thought it was my fault, but even if i try to be helpful, like healing, they run away. Sometimes i kill half the team, my team does nothing.
I believe it chooses players based off your internal ranking. If you’re bad, you get bad players to play with and against.
Haha, j/k. That’s what they say, but I’m pretty sure with the tanking queue in complete disarray, they’ve started smashing everyone together.
Overwatch match making rigged. It’s a well known fact. Just google it. No to other multiplayer game gets as many results in the search engine when you type their name with “rigged matches”
Also, it’s statistically impossible for the off tanks to keep ending up on your team while the enemy team has double shields.
For example, I will never have a competent sigma and Reinhardt on my team while the enemy is running a Zarya and DVA on move the payload map. NEVER happens! But I will experience the reverse every dang day!
I dunno man it’s just you and never anybody else.
The running while healing bothers me too, even in Paladins.
See, Paladins is a game a lot like… you know what never mind.
Point is, you need LINE OF SIGHT to help anyone, yet they panic-run around a corner, or make you chase them AROUND a pillar FFS… have some awareness of the healers if you need healing. This is my biggest gripe.
That and team expecting me to be an immortal vampire who can perfectly defend her/himself when under attack. Like I need protection, turn around and kill this flanker, okay?
Im afraid you Are the only constant in Your matches man
I get that but I had times where I had - written down to avoid memory bias:
1 leaver
next game a dps tilted and threw
the game after reinhardt charging into the enemy with less than half healt
a Hammond that refused to enter voice chat or respond to whatever form of communication and charging alone into the enemy no matter what
a dps healer
this happened in one sitting and none of the people were me and while I am not discussing game competence here I never refused communication, insulted someone, and always gave my best - I may not be good but you can’t tell me these things weren’t intentional of them and I got them all on my team in one session of games, all in a row.
When I have 2-3 matches with bad players on My team (I mean leavers toxics etc) I just give up for some time xD specially talking about ranked games.
Just report patience and gl next match
I gave up after that but it was not the only time. I get a row of uncooperative people once every two sessions games.
And while it doesn’t always count up to a loss it is really frustrating and is beyond every statistic. I can’t be getting toxic people while not being toxic myself *more than half of the time I play and being statistically normal.
Matchmaker is complete garbage. You’re place based on " whatever reason under the sun your matches ended up with X victories."
Post after post after post after post of people complaining about teammates is due to faulty matchmaking. Those people don’t belong in the same game as you and are victims of circumstance when it comes to being placed with you.
As long as players are not picked based on personal performance only you will always end up with absolutely ridiculous teammates and it will happen OFTEN.
No, the matchmaking in this game sucks. And it’s worse now than it’s ever been.
i kill entire team with Rein, we still lose
Sometime it’s just like that, but it’s important to know when you might be the issue too. I’m not saying it’s always your fault, but it’s good to realize it when it is.
yeah it’s my fault for having bad luck, hell in COD and Siege i don’t lose that much.
Finally someone who understands I lost like 20 matches in a row while doing the work of the whole team and I’m pretty sure it’s not my fault when I kill 5 and die and the last one kills my whole team with genji (no nano btw)