Why did Moira get nerfed?

Oh my god, jfc, here.

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Reduced self-heal from 30 to 20 per second.

I might have liked to see 25 first, but it’s an understandable aspect of her kit to nerf. Her aim is already very forgiving and the strong self-heal is an enabler of the DPS Moira since 200hp heroes would not only feel “on the clock” to kill her within 4 seconds, but they’d also be pressed to do an additional 120 damage due to self-heal. Now it’s a more manageable 80.

She can still heal herself with the orb, heal through shields, etc., but should feel a bit more fair to fight against in the lower ranks.

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A. Shut people up
B. Discourage dps moira from occuring by increasing the likelihood of negative results