Why did Mercy suddenly become a problem?

And that’s more of a fault on the devs. Much like Ashe, they’ve admitted-even back in the early days of OW they made Pharah to be paired with Mercy. Again a flaw in the design.

I’m hoping they tweak Pharah to have more agency of her own while pulling away from her reliance on Mercy.

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see thats the thing it would have made more sense for a pharmercy romance :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: instead they chose tracer

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I thought the 55 HPS was a revert to a nerf from something like 50 HPS.
Didn’t she get an initial nerf from 70 HPS to 55 HPS & lower healing during ult to 70 HPS, then lower primary healing again & then reverted back to 55 HPS?

because witrh double shhield or goats, hitscans were trash… now hitscans are good and mercy broke the game boosting the hitscans.

Mercy isn’t a “problem” and people who think that are exaggerating. I hate the stupid moth too but she’s only looking good because the way people are playing has shifted. Unlike Zen, a hero I personally love, who was pretty significantly buffed to keep up a few months ago and recently ended up on top because of meta shifts, making the buffs unnecessary

The difference being that Mercy didn’t get a bunch of buffs, she got one (which isn’t to the thing people hate), and her pocket Ashe can no longer one shot squishies UNLESS they have a Matrix or Discord too. In which case… Yeah, 2 sources of damage boost are gonna make damage go up, whoop de doo.

I wanna beat Mercy with a stick but she’s not problematic at this moment in time. People probably just hate her and have little self control, or have PTSD from when she was hard meta


on launch she had 50 hps, then got buffed to 60 hps, then got nerfed to 50 again and got buffed so she had an in between of 55hps.


nah this is not the problem… the true is that mercy was not a problem because other supports were stronger and we had double shield and goats…

People complain for the sake of complaining, that’s all there is to it.


With all the powercreep and shield nerfs, the last thing standing in the way of the game devolving into a full-on bloodbath is Mercy’s abilities that reverse or ruin DPS efforts and make them scream.

First, Mercy hasnt been a problem for a very long time - she was when she had mass rez, and for a short time thereafter as nerf after nerf finally brought her power level down to approximate the right level

Second, the real and true problem here isn’t that Mercy is an actual problem, rather, it is that various people chose to portray her as a problem.

This mistaken portrayal has gone on for years…it has never stopped nor restarted…it gets more chatter at times, particularly when she becomes meta or closer to meta, but it has never…ever…stopped

For going on 4 years now

TLDR: it isnt sudden, nor is she a problem

Until recently, you could completely ignore the enemy Mercy’s existence with no real negative repercussions. Just aim good and get kills, there’s nothing Mercy can do to stop you.

The meta has shifted in a way that ignoring the enemy Mercy does have consequences. A good dps player pocketed by a Mercy has always been able to pose a serious threat to your team’s chances of victory, but with the way the meta is right now you can’t always afford to just shoot at whoever she’s pocketing at the time. Sometimes, the most efficient way to neutralize the threat of a Mercy-pocketed enemy is kill the one doing the pocketing.

Players who are calling for Mercy nerfs are really saying; “I don’t feel like dealing with Mercy, change it so I can go back to ignoring her.”


They nerfed every other support, she’s untouched last thing she received was a buff.

Damage has gone down since then, she’s harder to kill.

Ahhhh sorry Dodo but that’s not true. In fact the opposite is. It was buffed several times. It became a problem with invulnerability and an SR exploit.

JULY 19, 2016


Movement is no longer prevented during activation

Guardian Angel instantly resets upon activation



Resurrected allies will be able to maneuver after 2.25 seconds (reduced from 3 seconds)

FEBRUARY 28, 2017


While performing a resurrection, Mercy now becomes temporarily invulnerable along with the allies being revived

It was never OP before that. In fact it was possibly one of the worse ults since Mercy would die a good 80-90% of the time.

And ya know what-before you accuse me of want MR back? I don’t. It was bad then and it would be bad now-possibly worse thanks to things like Molten Core and Mines…even Flux could be argued.


to be clear, my entire statement is correct and represents my opinion on the question asked completely and truthfully

IMO, mass rez was in all of its forms a huge problem for this game, as was the initial version of Mercy with Valkyrie and sans mass rez

Having fully clarified this, I have nothing further to say in regards to this side discussion

Ignoring a red Mercy has always had consequences regardless of whether she is meta or not

This continues to be true to this day

It hasn’t just become the case recently, it has always been the case

i think this is really funny considering ashe was made AFTER mercy… they knew full well that ashe would break the one shot point with a mercy damage boost on 200hp targets BEFORE they released ashe on the ptr. mercy is not responsible for a single thing about ashe, infact i would say its the other way around

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Pretty simple really.

This game’s high level meta is a seesaw. The introduction of Brigitte and later Sigma tipped the seesaw to all out defense for a very long time. Mercy has exactly zero place in a meta where the goal is to never die because she sucks at keeping teammates alive.

However, in August of last year the developers released crippling nerfs to the 3 heroes that made up the defensive core of the meta all out defense comp. There was nothing to replace them with, so the seesaw tipped. Now we’re in an all out offense meta. The sort of meta where 24/7 Damage Boost and 15s worth of AoE Damage Boost can shine. As well as the ability to erase one lucky sniper bullet since there’s no shields in play to catch them. So… Mercy is picked a lot now.

I don’t wanna say she’s a problem, but it’s absolutely possible that something becomes a problem even if it itself is untouched, cause your status is changed when others are changed.

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I agree


imo when favorite character A changes in such a way that disliked (or less favored?) character B is now better than character A, I think the (far) more mature and reasoned response is that the disgruntled player seek the betterment of character A rather than attacking otherwise disinvolved character B

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I agree, but that is asking too much from these people.