Why did Mercy suddenly become a problem?

She has been untouched since the 55 HPS buff and nobody talked about her since then. However, suddenly the forums constantly want her to get nerfed.

I don’t get it. Why did something that has been untouched for a long time, suddenly become a problem?
(Also stop asking for Super Jump removal. They already confirmed it’s staying).


I feel she is fine yet other people are blaming her for getting Ashe nerfed and well… overbuff.


Same reason other heroes suddenly became a problem, like ball, zen, tracer etc. Balance changes to other heroes changed the meta, and certain heroes are stronger or weaker due to it.


She’s simplys strong because poke meta.
So in a way she is stronger right now, but that’s just meta power.


I mean ever since her 55 hp/s buff she’s been a top pick in GM so it’s not like it’s news.

People have BEEN asking for mercy changes.


She really isn’t in need of nerfs. From what I notice in games, most people just tend to ignore her because like Lucio, Genji, Echo, and Tracer, Mercy has high mobility and that can make shooting her down a chore. They’ll simply attack whoever she is healing/damage-boosting, and get surprised when Mercy manages to do her job and keep them alive to kill the fool.


Because we’ve enters a “poke meta” which she just naturally excels at and people are claiming it’s the next coming of the Moth Meta. She’s fine, and no pros nor GM players have any grievances with her outside of the Ashe pocket-which the devs took care of by nerfing the synergy with them.

People like to point out how “Zen wasn’t a problem!” / “He’s AWLAYS has 30% Discord!” but neglect that he’s also gotten compensation buffs for the GOATS changes, and had BOTH the Jjonak nerf reverted and the GOATS discord nerf reverted-and STILL KEPT the damage buff and rate of fire buff.

(Yes I will agree that the Harmony nerf is odd and I REALY DO NOT want it to go through).

I mean she’s top pick in Bronze and second in silver. But all other’s she’s 3rd or 4th-and with this being 2-2-2 for a poke meta it’s not all that surprising.

People just don’t want Mercy to be meta and want to think there’s a deeper reason behind it when really it’s just that they don’t like the character.


She became a problem for some very naive players because she now sees more play than Ana in high tier competitive. You shouldn’t listen to those players at all


She has never stopped being one.

except for the 2 year ‘punching bag period’ where she was underperforming against all the other supports, until zen joined her.


A while back zen got buffed and people thought nothing about it and said he was still trash, well look at him now.
People realised his power a bit like people realised mercys power and mercy has been strong for a while now.

By “underperforming” you mean “not being meta” I guess.

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no, underperforming, she was still deemed main support and was the worst of the 3, then 4 when bap got introduced and still proceeded to underperform.


I feel like she’s in a decent place, her pick rate is usually determined by what DPS are the most picked. She’s getting targeted because Discord recently got a nerf on experimental, which is causing some to wonder why Mercy isn’t getting nerfed. The main difference is that Zen can boost his entire team’s damage on a single target, while Mercy can only boost one player on her team at a time (who in turn is usually only damaging one player).

The 55 hp/s buff broke her, especially since her pocket now became oppressive with certain DPS that are now getting nerfed cause of mercy 55 hp/s. Its dumb we are nerfing every single DPS, its like are we nerfing phara next? The problem is obviously mercy and it is getting annoying she is ignored and dps are turned in to noddles without her coz of it, just enforcing the pocket more.

but she had 60 hps for a year and her pocket wasn’t anymore powerful then it was at 55, it’s not Mercy’s fault that the dev team put more into DPS balance then overall tank and support balance.


She never became a problem. Hitscan did, and double hitscan with double damage boost (zen discord as well) is double annoying. It’s ok, as Dva gets more playable, hitscan will finally be under control again, and then people will stop focusing on mercy.


That certainly is a compelling point in a vacuum, but there’s an important distinction that often gets overlooked while people are busy arguing over Zen and Mercy’s kit.

For Zen’s Discord to work, he has to obtain and maintain LOS to an enemy. So if he has to disengage to hide behind a cover and lose aggro, he loses the Discord as well. For teams with shields, it can be particularly difficult to re-Discord the target afterwards.

Mercy functions in a nearly opposite way: the optimal way to use her damage boost is from behind cover. Mercy need not directly face the enemy or get caught up in the battle itself in order to provide immense value. While she’s behind cover and providing this powerful boost, she has the opportunity to keep eyes on the surrounding area to be aware of incoming flankers.

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Now that double shield is finally dead damage feels higher

i feel she is fine and this is coming from an ashe main. yea she took away a bit of my power and one-shot capability but hey at least i got a faster fire rate. hitscans do need a bit of a nerf anyways, look at widow she got knocked down a peg ( could be blamed on mercy ) and she was one of my favorites too. im a hitscan guy and i think its fair that we got nerfed and not mercy

pharah tho… thats kinda tough