Why did Illari also get a nerf?

Yes and good Illari won’t you ever let come close to her as Tracer, shooting you in head and leaving you on critical health, you struggling on her in gold is not the same as someone in masters+ elo who has game sense, map awarnes and good aim.

The self healing nerf was probably done to incentivize Illari players to be selfless with their pylons.

Because Discord orb is stupid and counterplays any defensive ability a tank can bring.

At least a flex dps needs to juggle their damage and sustain on a dime. With Zen, you toss out two orbs and nuke the tank because ease of use.

Looks like it. Dropping your sustain effectiveness by a massive amount then letting the enemy’s dps passive proc endlessly is just a massive problem.

That 20% less heals then half of your usual effectiveness because you want to go hunt a Mercy.

Their desired Meta enforced/control