Why D.Va has a high pickrate

There’s no one reason to this question, but I’ll list the ones I believe are the most relevant.

She’s Hot
There’s no denial that a hero’s looks influences their polularity. It’s hard to tell how much this affects her pickrate, but she’s this is probably more true at lower ranks where meta doesn’t matter.

Lack of Diversity Among Tanks
There are only 2 dives tanks, one main tank and the other an off tank. Respecting this fact, if OW had another off tank with similar mobility, D.Va could have a lower pick rate. Sort of how Orisa serves as an alternative to Reinhardt, or Moira to Mercy.

Lack of Counters
The most difficult heroes for D.Va to deal with in 1v1 sitiuations are Genji, Roadhog, Brigitte, Bastion and Mei. Doomfist, Reaper, Tracer, Zarya are tricky, but D.Va’s still capable of dueling them. Other than these few, D.Va is viable against most heroes in game, making her optimal in most comps.

Map Design
This is something pro player Jake of Houston Outlaws mentioned recently. The dominace of Dive comp is not due to one or two heroes, it’s because most maps in OW benefit mobile heroes. And the devs seem to agree.

Simplicity and DPS
Her low skill floor and potential to output high damage make her an attractive pick.

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Yes clearly the pro teams use her almost 100% of the time because she’s hot.


Her defence matrix was nerfed to only have 2 seconds of up-time but it’s still an extremely powerful ability. It’s very similar to Zarya’s bubbles, however there are a few key differences:

  • The AoE of DF is massive, Zarya’s bubbles cover a single target.
  • DF has no limit to the amount of damage it can soak up, Zarya’s bubbles have 200HP.
  • D.Va’s DF is available for use again sooner than Zarya’s bubbles.

In short, D.Va is like a combination of Winston and Zarya. She can dive into the enemy and delete squishies, but also performs the same role as Zarya, but better.

Since when did looks influence pickrate?


I just pick her because shes overpowered.


Are you really suggesting another offtank with mobility?

Good, we got triple tank dive incoming :upside_down_face:

Looks equate to pickrate? Well Mei is the cutest hero in the game so she should be in every single game on both sides.


I don’t think these reasons alone are why she’s the most picked hero in all ranks.

Mostly it’s her damage mitigation, burst damage, and unparalleled escape ability compared to all but two of the roster.

Of those reasons the last 2 are really the only ones I agree with.

wait so why the hell is zarya bubble on teammate so weak if matrix can do the same?

shouldn’t zarya teammate bubble be buffed to have infinite hp?

The only advantage that Zarya bubbles have over Defence Matrix is that they can block beams and melee damage. However the vast majority of damage dealt in the game is through bullets and projectiles, so this is a very arbitrary advantage.

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Where did I say I was talking about pro play? Show me where I said that.

Honestly I’m really hoping we will have another dive tank in the game. It would be even more meta changing than Brigitte