Brigitte Gameplay Q&A with Geoff Goodman

What you guys will do if brigitte dont change the meta on the OWL?

Is not fun watch almost all owl matchs dive vs dive.

Release the Brigette! super excited! btw, why can’t Winston carry two Tesla cannons? he’s super strong and I mean double the pleasure, double the fun! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I’ve tried to bite my tongue over this, but those heroes like Tracer and Genji who are “weak” when hit by stun effects, are also by their nature of being highly mobile also best able to avoid them; which in turn makes those stun effects in turn ‘weak’ against them.


For the Sombra vs Brigette matchup
Hack/EMP turns off everything except her passive and the armor gained.

Are you guys monitoring that to see how it plays out.
If there any tweaks coming to that.

Wouldn’t buffing Bastion help with this as he is supposed to counter tanks but more often than not they’re countering him instead?

(totally biased :3)


To be honest, its pretty hard to tell right now. We’ve actually gotten a lot of mixed feedback on her from all levels of play, as far as how powerful she is. The level design stuff is something we’ve been looking at a lot recently as well, as we agree there are some maps that certainly lend themselves to dive. We don’t have a specific goal to kill dive all together, but we agree it would be nice to see more diversity in the meta in general.


With more AoE healing and armor being put into the game, are there design spaces that are now cut off for future heroes because it would be too overpowered when paired with those mechanics?

What other existing mechanics present a lot of trouble when designing new heroes or maps?

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What made you come up with Brigitte, and how did you design her abilities?

Brigitte is very interesting and she looks like fun. How is her release going to impact the game as a whole?

Widow is very unfun to play against. In gm the game goes to the team with the uncontested widow.

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that seems like it’s by design. tracer and genji need to be within stun range to do their job. if they had no ways of playing around, say, flashbang, they’d be completely useless. especially since flash is a very easy ability to land.

if there is enough generous cc in the enemy team, the risk of playing a flanker isn’t worth the reward since the windows of opportunity you get are so incredibly small, unless you’re actually a god.

Awesome I agree as well

What does blizzard think of the guild/clan idea people really want to come true? is this something the dev team think of?


FB is easy to land, but difficult to follow up. I don’t have a lot of time on McCree admittedly, but it was never these two I felt particularly able to clean up against.

I think the bottom line here is to just make sure we have a lot of diversity in all our roles. While Moira and Brigitte are both hybrid healers, this doesn’t mean every hero coming out will be a hybrid of some kind. Many players really prefer to focus directly on a single role rather than split focus onto multiple roles, and we want to make sure that is supported as well!


Were Brigitte’s abilities based off of other heroes, along with her primary fire and ultimate?

Are there plans to have hero skills interact with mechanics not yet played with?

Things like weapon clip size, respawn time, jump height, etc?


Overall, will Brigitte be able to heal as much as other healers, such as Moira and Mercy?

Any plans to implement an in game Guild system in the future? I think it would help decrease toxicity in game.


Will we be forced to defend with brigitte on almost all matchs because the enemy can come with the dive?

Right now we are forced to defend with 1 or 2 pharah counters, because the enemy “can” come with pharahmercy…

Will there ever be a slow ability? Like Lucio but the opposite. Could be hero targeting or like a puddle on the ground which slows the enemies if they walk over it.

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