Why can't we get a global healing nerf?

Instant, guaranteed kills will always be significantly stronger than risking gradual, preventable ones. Changing heals will not prevent that. Even if heals are only 1 per second, that still allows more counterplay than if the target dies instantly.

Changing damage won’t do anything either until you make everyone or no one one shot.

The issue is the rest of the kits. One shot heroes are supposed to have glaring weaknesses that the enemy can take advamtage of. High risk high reward and all that. Problem is, they have such well rounded kits that those weaknesses are nearly indifferentiable from the rest of the roster, while still doing much better damage, so there’s no reason not to pick them.

He is right tho, you dont know what damage creep actually means.

Lets talk about “Power creep” first. Power creep usually happens in MMORPG-s where the developers make a new class. Since people spent hundreds of hours on previous classes to build them up, the new class has to appeal to the people. For this reason, the new classes are simply better than the ones that were previously available. This continues on and on,every single time a new class gets released to the point where the original classes are a joke.

In our case its a bit more complicated,since we cannot talk about power creep itself, but “Healing Creep”, “Damage Creep” and “Shield creep”.

  1. In the case of Shield creep, the game simply had too much that can be present at the same time, we had tanks with shields, DPS with shields and even supports with shields. When the game was released, only Reinhardt and Winston had shields, thats all (not counting Symmetra’s old shield).
    Orisa and Sigma caused the creep by taking this to the next level in terms of uptime and then we didnt even talked about Brig and Symmetra’s ultimate. The amount of shields you could activate at the same time was insane. The shield nerfs that came recently, stopped this issue.

  2. Healing creep would mean that, the sheer amount of healing sources are too much. When the game was released,the only AOE healing beside Soldier’s healing was Lucio. No one beside him could do such a thing as healing 2 targets at the same time(except Zen’s ult). When Ana came out, the creep started with her grenade. Moira continued the legacy, Mercy got a rework which buffed the creep even more, Brig and Baptiste finished it (BTW Baptiste can even deny death)Hell even Reaper can selfheal like crazy. Currently in 2-2-2 this is not an issue tho.

  3. Damage creep. In short,it means too much damage in short amount of time. Now please just think about it, how many things were added into the game that boosted the sudden bursts of damage in the game. (Including Reworks and new heroes.)
    Just a few example, D.va’s rockets, Doomfist, Hanzo’s rework,Baptiste’s ultimate,Orisa’s ultimate, Sigma’s ultimate and even the beam changes and the list continues on and on. A lot of damage heroes reached to the point where its just too much to handle by anything. This includes the tanks as well keep in mind.

If you read this through,you will see that its not all black and white,and damage creep is not something that only affects DPS heroes.
Genji is a victim of Power Creep and not someone who benefits from it.

As for how to solve the powercreep, is an entirely different question. Its easy to point to a role and call it OP, but all creep that happened came from all 3 role combined.
The problem is, that even before the shield nerfs, the damage was too high especially from certain heroes.
People used double shields because there was no other viable choice.
We are suffering from the remnants of the buffs that were introduced to stop GOATS, and a few messed up reworks that is yet to be acknowledged as failures.
Hanzo storm arrow should not be allowed to crit and his log arrows needs to be fixed, Widowmaker needs more charge time on the rifle or way more recoil, Reaper is too hard to kill compared to other DPS heroes, his HP steal should only activate from critical hits. Doomfist rocket punch should not be able to 1 shot,period, buff him on every other direction but that 1 shot ability needs to go. These should be the first steps. Nerfing tanks even more would be stupid, since they are already on short supply, and even though they are part of the damage creep,they are the least responsible.

I don’t think a longer charge time would be “fun” to have for a dps player I think that widow should be doing as much damage with a full charged shot as Ashe with an aimed shot but the benefit of widow against Ashe would be that she could shoot a nother not charged shot as fast as she can now to finish up the target ( if she’s not boosted by sth). But I don’t know what to do with Hanzo

You do realize that One-shot heroes are picked for their insane value? Nerf healing and they still retain that value and will STILL outclass all other DPS because they have the ability to send enemies to spawn without reaction… that being either their Damage being healed back up OR their fire being returned.

In order for Consistent Damage to compete with One shot Bursts you’d have to fully remove healing AND Defensive abiltites… and burst would STILL overshadow the other by a longshot.

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So that the only viable support is moira and bap?

Sounds like you want support to be a more useless class so that you can click more heads


Might as well just delete supports altogether, right?
No. Healing doesn’t need nerfed, we’ve only just got more than 1 main healer in the game and most games people cry they want MORE healing even with 2 mains.

Healers also cannot outheal most ultimate abilities e.g. rip tire, barrage, etc. You need a healing counter to add more viability to the game and the supports as a whole.

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Hell before bap and lucio ult buff junk tires got free value if you were smart.