Why can't we get a global healing nerf?

Not going to happen, since DPS are majority.

This is about benefitting them. It’s their queues.

There is no winning: it’s choice between fast queue + slow games(because tanks and supports slow games down), or slow queue + fast games. But players want fast queue + fast games.

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Surprisingly, one shot heroes will still be able to one shot if we nerf only healing.

Heroes with less burst damage will be more competitive with snipers in this case. I’ll use this example again. Assume every healer can do transcendence level healing. In this case the only viable dps are ones that can one-shot since only they can get kills. If you slowly dial it back, you’ll eventually get to a point were other dps can get kills too and compete with snipers. Right now healing is a little too good for these heroes to be competitve with snipers.

Shall we start with the healers?

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That’s assuming that sustain damage is on equal ground as burst damage regardless of the amount of healing. The slower the kills the more variables there are. Why risk potentially losing a target to a defensive skill or evasion when you get confirm the kill in a single shot or combo?

Soldier isn’t going to magically be better because of lower healing, he’s going to be countered like most other characters because his TTK is higher then his enemy. Forget healing, why play a character that can’t take a one shot or deal one? What is the drawback to burst damage that sustain damage is better at?

A global healing nerf isn’t needed anymore - Moira, Mercy and Lucio all heal less then they did when they were released and Zenyatta is unchanged.

Individual changes might still be needed, but a global nerf? Nah.

Only heal change/addition is Bap and Moira is viable that’s it

how about a global nerf to one shot then?

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Why should we?

Because almost no one plays support as it is, and we’re already having to healbot to endure the amount of damage being thrown around. Plus, if you nerf supports now, you make the queue time problem even worse.

Healing nerf would really affect tanks, most of them don’t have self-healing abilities.

People have been asking for one shot heroes to be addressed forever, Blizzard refuses so you move on to nerf supports?

You could make one shots “more difficult” (I’m not sure how) or you could make playing heroes with one shot abilities more dangerous, give them larger downsides to compensate for huge value brought to the table by the ability to erase someone before they can react.

Everything has not been done and making supports worse does nothing to address the problem of one shot/very high burst heroes.

  • Widow try giving her less hp, make full charge take longer, lower her accuracy while airborne reducing the effectiveness of trick shots
  • Hanzo needs to lose lunge and storm arrows, replace storm arrows with something that doesn’t increase hanzo’s dueling potential or his ability to evade.
  • Doomfist is a really poorly designed hero for overwatch there’s a reason that hero has always been feast or famine. I’d probably start by increasing his risk, less shields generated, lower shield cap, shields retained for less time so he can’t pre-shield and then re engage with full shields (some combination, all of these may be overkill).

None of the problems created by high burst heroes can be solved by nerfing supports.


Exactly, never heard anyone complain about zen’s hp/s…
No need to dumpster him bc 2-3 healers push the hp/s pretty high.

But i still believe lots of stuff is strong bc of the meta and how if favours specific hero abilities over others.

If d.va, ana as example are more used, moira for example would decline.
As her orbs are eaten and her healing denied.

Still sustained dmg doesn’t have it that easy allthought its not really just the healers.

If you have easy dmg heroes doing the same as harder ones but easier, its only logical that the supports need more healing…

As it easier to deal dmg.

I’d go for:

  • Reduce widow’s headshot damage to do 95% of a squishy’s health. Give her “hunters mark” to increase damage on a Selected target, to enable 1 shots.
  • Give Hanzo more aggressive damage falloff - focus his kit to short/medium range - no more random long range 1 shots.
  • Flat out nerf his fist damage - no more 1 shots.

Stares at empty resource
Glares a dead teammate markers
Glances at comments demanding I heal more
Sees healing orb was exhausted not long ago

I don’t know. You tell me.

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Make it so heroes can oneshot others with the support of a support

In your thought experiment you failed to notice 1 key thing.

Regardless of how hard you nerf healing, it’s not going to magically make 76 played. Just re-read what folks are saying above, Hanzo, Widow, Doomfist. These 1 shot characters melt tanks and make big healing NEEDED. The only situation you could possibly nerf heals is when the 1 shots are removed, but since they never will be, you’re out of luck.

Those 3 heroes give amazing results once learnt. Whereas other flanker and less damaging heroes require more input over time than Hanzo spamming chokes and Widow free firing from an unreachable ledge.

An example of how fickle this community is; Moira got nerfed and EVERYONE (bar a few Moira mains) moved over to Baptiste. This mindset is true across the whole game. People will play what gives results (most of the time)

On paper, yes, if we nerf the last remaining pesky “main” healers and make it so that they can only heal under 100 HP/s between them, averaging them all out to Mercy’s level of healing, then yes, ALL DPS become EXTREMELY viable. Why is that a bad thing? Because DPS have ALSO been powercrept.

Tanks have been SLAM nerfed into the ground and they are living by the graces of the healers. Try playing a Tank without healers on point, I dare you. The enemy DPS will delete your forward progress faster than I deleted my tuna melt.

Point being, DPS are still massively powerful. The only one I see REALLY struggling is Sombra and that’s because she has VERY low DPS. As is, a decent 76 can still output massive damage and use rockets to secure kills. Tracer with her range buff helps her keep her job of harassing, farming, then pulse bombing.

DPS are not as bad as everyone is fear mongering. The REAL issue is that the snipers/doomfist have the ability to eclipse a lot of the others, meaning most will just pick whats more powerful. 1 shots will rule no matter how hard you nerf healing because they are just more powerful, thats it. Fact.

Also you want to nerf ALL healing. The off healers like; Brigitte, Lucio, and Zen really don’t need that. Brigitte is balanced. Zen is actually struggling to keep up with that damage creep and Lucio has always been fine. The real healers that would be causing you sustain issues is Baptiste, Ana and Moira. There could be some chance for numbers to be looked at, BUT only when damage is pulled back into line.

Oneshots will still be oneshots, everyone else is quite far from “absurd” I’d say.