Why can't Sombra just be "unfun" to play against?

But a functioning Sombra would players force to switch of the heroes they play 80% of all games and learn new counters an strategys …. you can’t expect pro players to adapt to the situation.



I mean given the choice, everyone will choose getting hacked over being killed by a hanzo headshot, flash/fanned by McCree, slept by Ana, caught in junkrat’s trap or frozen by Mei. That much is pretty much just a no-brainer.

The ones where it becomes a decision are pretty much abilities like Brig’s stun or Zen’s discord. There are some situations I’d rather be discorded than hacked, but other times I’d rather be hacked. So really, the level of inconvenience of hack is comparable to two abilities that can be fired out near instantly with no drawbacks.

And hell, there’s situations where you’d rather be hacked than have a discord orb tossed on you. Obviously that one isn’t a no-brainer, and depends on situation, but that’s the point where it starts to become a non-obvious choice. Pretty much every other negative status effect in the game is worse than being hacked.

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I miss the old, pre-rework Sombra. Sure, she was reliant on healthpacks, but I enjoyed that passive supportive playstyle with her. All I really wanted was slightly reduced spread and I think she would’ve been perfect. Instead, they buffed a bunch about her to the point that, thigh she was balanced, she FELT oppressive, and was subsequently nerfed into a state worse than before her “buffs”.


Sombra is literally the Spy of Overwatch.

Everyone knows how much Spy is hated in TF2.


I’m just answering the question, Sombra is not fun to play against, never said she was good, look at Sym she’s not fun for the enemy team too.

People don’t like feeling like they lost control of their characters, it’s a big reason why a lot of MOBA’s removed or avoid silences nowadays.

Hacked Pharah is a free kill pretty much, but you want hack to be stronger. Hmm no.


You’re right but a lot of other characters in this game have that. If Blizzard wanted to go for this, in my honest opinion, poor design choice, why make just one useless? Why not just go all out with half the characters having some kind of stun or displacement mechanic? Half the characters actually do. Stuns are way more annoying in FPSs than MOBAs where the time to kill is a lot longer in MOBAs.

No. No no no no no no. You don’t fight toxicity with toxicity! We need to make it so everything ISN’T unfair to play against, not fuel the fire! This community is so disappointing that now we’re trying to unbalance more things to fight the unbalanced and accepting that everything will always be overpowered so we need something to be unfun? No! We need BALANCE, not unbalance, and I’m disappointed in this thread trying to promote unfun-ness.

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Did you read the post? At all? Most people don’t want a Sombra buff, they just want her bugs fixed. Educate yourself A list of Sombra's Many, Many Bugs (6), Now with more LOS Bugs! - #15 by Xaron-1831


You can’t have an ability as strong as hack on a hero that can be played everywhere.

“What if I told you that this 1 guy playing for this 1 team in OWL picked Sombra for 1 game and won that 1 match. You probably haven’t learned how play Sombra yet”:joy:


You’re right. But the issue is that she can’t be played anywhere. Her kit is too buggy

lol ability as strong as hack. Okay dude, do me a favor go through the list of all debuffs in the game. Sleep Dart, Mei freeze, discord, Flashbang, Steel trap, Ana grenade, Shield bash stun… Tell me how hack rates higher than ALL of those in terms of power level.

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I really just want her to have better damage output, because her gun is probably the worst in the game. Idc if they have to balance it by nerfing EMP’s charge, I just want Sombra to be more viable in the mid-fight.

She is unfun to play against lol… if she hacks you from behind there is not even something to show that you’re beeing hacked but a really low sound that u can’t even hear in the heat of the moment plus do i even need to mention what she does to Reinhardt or Lúcio? characters like her and Mei need a rework to put them into a better place without making the game even worse with all the CC and stuns it has right now.

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There are loud audio cues and visuals around the screen.
If it’s in the “heat of the moment” you should be near cover anyways.

It’s pretty easy to hear a hacking Sombra unless there’s someone ulting or something at the time. You may just need a better headset. As Rein all you need to do when you hear the sound is a quick 360 and it’ll break the hack LoS with your barrier and you can go on to doing stuff.

Then fix her bugs. I don’t see what else you would need to do aside from really minor changes.

Sleep is the hardest to hit cooldown in the game. It has a cast time and is a projectile with a small hit box. Nade is blocked by everything that Ana’s old primary fire was blocked by.

Trap is in one place and can be seen pretty easily. Mei, Zen and Mccree are all the slowest heroes in the game. Sombra has 2 movement abilities. She is a flanker, she can get almost anywhere she wants.