Why cant genji deflect sigma rock?

Ya im that genji my monkey brain just deflects off instinct

I think it would be funny having an Aptil fools where Genji just has deflect as a passivr to his front. Shots automatically get deflected back towards where they came from.

A 1 v 5 game mode where he even deflects beams so you have to shoot him in the back and deflect does 30dps if he runs into you

Okay now you’re just getting wild here.

April fools is about surprises and pranks.

Ya pank them with a good genji patch for once but it only lasts a day

to be fair, he does literally deflect lava and a blackhole, the mass of said blackhole would be enough to prove he should be able to deflect a giant rock.


its more funny if he tries to deflect it and gets slapped in the face

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If you watch the animation the boulder cracks open upon contact. Thus turning into shrapnel.

That alone is a storm of rocks broken by Sigma’s gravity. Which he can literally just push forwatd again to be lethal as a shotgun blast if we’re being completely fair here.

The Lava and energy deflects are more lore heavy since Genji can be seen deflecting a doomsday cannon carried by a giant Omnic right back at it.

It can also be argued that Zarya is not shooting a pure blackhole but just a gravitational irregularity since her weapon is literally an experimental gun. Her ultimate Graviton Surge is described in the wiki as a “gravity bomb” meaning its missing other components for a proper blackhole such as spacial distortion. These are fired from a weapon labeled as a Particle cannon which is just small fry ppwer compared to Sigma who is a literal living weapon with his own orbital field.

I would love to see the rock exploding into tiny bits in midair after a few little papers lightly bump into it xD

Imagine the sheer panic if they actually did something like that :joy:

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The forms freak out if genji gets a bug fixed when he gets buffed they freak out like its the end of the world because they dont like playing against a skill check hero

Rock Beats Scissors. Thats pretty much the answer.

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Then kiriko should beat sigma rock and genji should beat kiriko paper

genji can’t deflect a sword either. Imagine, the guy trains with swords but can’t deflect a sword strike. I guess we know how he lost against hanzo.

Yes he can what are you talking about

swift strike. that’s a sword he’s using there.

Suzu prevents rock from doing damage and knockback so you are correct

Zen floats and gets stuck in junk’s trap and torb’s molten core. It makes no sense, just accept Blizzards craziness!

Why can he reflect rockets meant to explode on contact?

So only genjis sword can counter genji sword.

he deflects mini gun fire some rocks would be nothing

I mean
Suzu has a talismen on it.

So yeah
it beats rock.