Why cant genji deflect sigma rock?

This is the answer. Now I understand why Kiriko’s paper wipes out rock’s damage so fast.


Oh it has been explained multiple times, even sometimes by Devs on stream.

Sigma Rock is not a projectile, is a Stun, that happens to have the shape of a projectile. Just like DF using RP is a Stun/Pushback that happens to have the shape of a human.

Genji can’t deflect stuns.

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Its called a parry.

Swordman use this all the time on similar melee weapons. While Rein focuses on pure power Genji uses his finese and speed to literally clash with the hammer.

In real science though, Genji should remain unharmed, but booped away still.

No human sized rocket hammers exist irl, doesn’t explain how he can deflect a rocket that explodes on impact though

Because it is not a rock but a boulder, don’t try at home kids, or you will truly understand. Black hole and lava is deployable and harmless when flies.

It’s not just a rock, it’s great many pieces of solid matter that form a hard floor-like substance!

if i remember correctly its because rock isn’t a ‘projectile’ on the games client side but some kind of moving melee ability, thus it isn’t calculated as being deflectable or absorbable by matrix

I’ve lost everything else. I won’t let you take this away from me, HanaSolo. :gun:

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*villain voice: “It is a pelycosaur, a non-mammalian synapsid. It is much closer to you and I…”


Why can’t Genji deflect Doomfist?

Mega nerd mode activated

It depends on the mechanism that the swords are using to deflect.

Genji’s sword may be very good at dealing with energy based projectiles and smaller single objects like a bullet.

But Sigma’s rock is neither energy or a bullet. It’s a massive accretion of smaller objects that break apart on impact.

It also appears to be the case that the rocks are temporarily held together with some kind of gravity field or the mass of rocks themselves are charged with additional gravity.

In that case, hitting something would be more like a bubble of gravity popping as it made impact, as the rocks instantly fall apart after impact.

So it makes sense that a sword wouldn’t work, as the projectile would simply break apart upon impact and hit the sword wielder anyways.

Sometimes low tech solutions work really well on high tech. Like in Star Wars one of the best counters to light sabres are flame throwers and solid projectiles rather than plasma.

Only if when he can also deflect Dva bomb

I mean Roadhog deflected it with a pole.


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Same reason he can deflect a giant rocket powered hammer:

Design choice and balance

To complete the cycle, I propose that Genji gains the ability to deflect Kiriko’s paper and heal his own team with it :sparkles: Or himself

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That would be funny as an April 1st buff genjis deflects people so he can run at them and in flings them back

He can you just have to aim them just right they dont track

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Oh snap

Everything is as it should be then :pray: (But making them heal him instead is still on the table :smiling_imp:)

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No not yet we need kirikos paper to stop sigmas rocks

And that would be a wild buff for genji

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Because its infinitely more funny seeing the cyber ninja getting knocked over by a rock than it being deflected