Why cant genji deflect sigma rock?

he can deflect black holes and lava but a tiny pebble is too much?


Tiny pebble? Homie is chucking boulders, cuh.

That being said, Genji needs to work on his upper body strength a bit. Little Twink cannot handle the one thing that I could probably actually parry myself. What a joker!


compared to a black hole a big rock is basically nothing! He can also deflect rein fire?? how does that even work? that sounds much harder than deflecting a rock 0.o


Because its a gravity infused boulder composed of sedimentary material propelled by spacial kinetic energy piloted by the mind of an enigmatic psycho?

In other words, show me any fantasy instance where a swift sword use defelected a giant a*% rock.


Rock beats scissors.


bruh it looks like a rock I can pick up off the street :clown_face:

It only looks like a boulder because of forced perspective. It’s actually a pebble, and Sigma is the size of an average sewer rat. Noodle arms Genji is canon.


I suddenly want rock to break Genji’s swords so homie be fighting with daggers the rest of the game

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Show me a selfie of you chucking a rock thats bigger then the size of your chest just as easily then.

Actually due to the harsh compression of gravity it would make that boulder even more dense.

Black hole science or Physics would explain that Sigma essentially has the power of dark matter. Which can be as small as a marble but can exist as the heaviest thing in existence.

if grav us actual black hole. it would insta disintegrate everything

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Because it’s an anti-weeb rock.


Nothing about physics/interactions in Overwatch makes sense.

D.Va can eat black holes and lava, but she also can’t eat the rock… or Genji.


Its the power of Anime girls.

Its still an unexplained phenominom.

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Technically, Deev is a manhwa yeoja. Annie May is from J-Pan.

But people still call Dimetrodon a dinosaur so I’m just picking nits I guess.

h ttps://imgur.com/a/6DquPS0

actual footage

Anti-weeb rock, working as intended.

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Good. Now show me where you can chuck a boulder the size of Sigma’s chest with your mind.

The bigger question is how does his tiny butter knife block reins rocket propelled unit of a hammer, or stop rockets that explode by hitting things.