Why can there be two off tanks in the same team

Im an off tank player which can flex to main if needed (IE: if my other tank plays off, i go main)

However, whenever I play off tank, my prefered type, the tank normally starts as a main, plays for about a minute. Then switches to off tank.

I wouls then have to give up my positioning to go back and switch to a main tank

Can I ask to have a off tank and main tank catagory instead of 2 tanks.

The SR will obviously be different with your main tank and off tank.

I know some people are gonna say that this wont work, but you could have a button that says “tank queue, dont mind double off tank”

What do you guys think?

IT sucks that 2 off tanks cant be a viable strategy


I don’t think the tank category has nearly enough variety to be split into two roles. There are four main tanks and four off tanks, not enough to warrant separation.

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Cuz off-tanks cannot protect or create space/ push the frontline that well. (Unfortunately) Sometimes it can work if you have a really good team and you go with burst suprise dmg but usually if the enemy team has at least one competent main tank and you don’t then your team will be in a disadvantage.

Or you can try to force Hog-Ball since Ball is considered as a main tank but for some reason he work the best next to Winston who is also a main tank.

As long as I could opt into double off, I do not care. But if my queue times go up because of whiny tank mains, imma flip the table.

Right :frowning: Every tank enforces spacemaking in different ways. I wish off tanks could be changed/buffed to make space as well, so that even a seemingly weird combo like D.va/Roadhog can be viable!

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Well, if they lowered the HP on BarrierTanks, but cranked up the HP their barriers.

Then you’d have an advantage in close range fights with DoubleOffTank.

Which would also serve as a strong reason to not use DoubleBarrier all the time.

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

Thats literally what

Is For

Yes? Which is why I said I did not mind.

Had it not been mentioned, I would have merely disagreed… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Oh, Its GreyFalcon, one of the greatest Forum Goers

Rein: yolo charges enemy head on and dies.

*respawns and immediately chooses D’va.

It’s nonsense. But to get it to extreme:

  • main tank
  • off tank
  • main DPS
  • support DPS (with utils)
  • main healer
  • support

And there you go. Anyone happy.

Maybe this is kot enough extreme… Let’s just queue for particular hero with info which other heros you want in the team. And then wait until the team may be created (:

Sup. Btw, I did think of a DoubleOffTank vs DoubleOffTank queue.
But it got to be pretty complicated and messy when it came down to implementation.

Also it would kinda mess with the matchmaker quality of matches.

✅ [Brawler Role] DPS Queue Fix

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Shouldnt be too hard

It’s actually surprisingly difficult, and I expect you’d get some really weak healing in the double offtank queue. Since all the healers that like being protected, will flock to the barrier queue.

If anything, if they were to split the role into offtanks and barriertanks, I’d prefer something like this:

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This. Is. Perfect.

So awesome

It’s a good idea, but kinda ahead of it’s time.
Probably not good until OW2 comes out, or if they get really desperate for fixing queue times.

I had a similar version, but it doesn’t do much to fix queue times.
(And I need to update the graphics, because people can’t seem to get the idea that the Tank subroles would only be locked for like the first 10 sec of the match)

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Dude, stop, i cant take this, i can only handle so much awesomeness

Well, they are nice concepts, but I still feel like this one is the best.

It’s simple, with no gimmicks.
(And could be tested without any code changes, just adjusting a few numbers).

Haven’t made any graphics for it, but I probably should.

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Youre literally the best

Quick Question

If you were to buff main, DVa, how would you do it?