Why can Flats have good aim, but others are called cheaters

Was watching a Flats video Calling out a cheater. Not sure why he called him a cheater. I watch flats do exactly what this guy was doing (having good aim and tracking). Why can flats and other streamer do it, but this guy is called a cheater when he does it.


Edit: had to edit because people reading didnt understand what I meant

Look people can say what they want about flats… you do know the guy he’s vieweing is blatently cheating right? Like it’s not even suitle… flats isn’t a cheater he’s a rein main for gods sake (which I know there are gm cheaters) but like he legit does not need to cheat to maintain his rank…

Nothing he’s done or has ever done resembles what this guy is doing… which is using a aimbot program… unless you count “Shooting a gun at the enemy” a comparison…


Nope … Just looks to me like he is REALLY good…

Never said he was … Just saying I have seen streamers that shoot this good.

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You know, really easy to see them cheating, they are snapping aim to people behind walls (when he ignores the reaper), instant targeting on people but moves like a bronze? you don’t move like a bronze and have 90%+ accuracy.


Thank you! Thank you someone said it!



Can you link any video or replay code for us to see Flats hard locking on enemies?


the fact of the matter is that cheating is very pervasive and a serious issue for the competitive integrity of the game but luckily its a casual game and the community likes to ignore cheat retailers and not look at what the software actually looks and behaves like so they can gaslight themselves into thinking its all hunky-dory

People legit think that cheats look like snapping aimbots lmfao. Maybe 10- years ago. Nowadays its almost indistinguishable from normal aim. If 100 people actually get caught and banned from t500 per server for dps each season when theyre that sophisticated, why oh WHY is it so hard to accept that cheaters are legitimately rife

But hey, post a replay code amirite


Never seen flats do what this guy does at 6:25 mins in… which is perfectly track a widow with soldier, dink her multiple times in the head, at a distance, through scenery (where you’d never see her in game.)

And no amount of gamesense or good aim makes people track players through walls.


I certainly never boosted accounts back in the day, but if I had, I might agree that there are more cheaters than most people think, especially when it comes to selling accounts.

If I had boosted accounts, which I definitely didnt do, I would mention that I didn’t cheat, but I knew a lot of people that did and it was common practice. Like K3ith says, they weren’t rage hacking, they were pretty hard for anyone to spot.

… Not that I would know.



If it’s almost indistinguishable from regular aim, surely you could understand why people might be tricked then. Especially since most people have no interest in looking into cheats since they have no need or want for them themselves.

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Yeah I can understand it I’m just tired of it. The complaints of cheats get more and more frequent and the retailers are bragging about hundreds of thousands of downloads of individual softwares for OW2 and blizz themselves say they have banned hundreds of thousands of accounts for cheating in the past year and people still reckon they’ve only played with “3 or 4 cheaters in their lifetime” and point and laugh at the people who come here to say theyve been cheated out of a fair game


I mean, that’s fine. I just mostly take issue with the idea that the community is supposedly gaslighting themselves when I think the more probable answer is people just don’t know what to look for even :sweat_smile:


That’s the Trando Special I believe. You can find more than 4 cheaters on any content creator’s streaming service of choice.

:person_shrugging: At the same time, you also have a lot of people that think there are cheaters in every single game. Both are two sides of the “completely oblivious” coin.


I mean we’ve had probably thousands of threads now where this has been discussed and these same points about how sophisticated the cheats are have been made and some people just deny it without even looking into it so idk

If you seriously think this guy just looks “really good” then you mustve lost your eyes in a tire fire. Everything about this guy screams “hyper dog water”

His movement blows
His crosshair placement blows
Just the way he moves the mouse blows

So much of that video you see a clear lock on happening here, like its not even discreet. Stevie Wonder wouldve been able to call this guy out.


that soldier had to be someone who hardly plays overwatch. for sure like what flats said he probably plays call of doo doo… was hillarious watching that video since he seemed like didnt have a clue. its just that he has aimbot is what makes him dangerous

i still remember this hacker soldier i played against1 or 2 years ago on overwatch. i think the player was an actual artificial intelligence bot or something… was VERY STRANGE

one of my favorite recorded youtube vids (i was the widow/tracer)


2:35 you see the Soldier shoot the wall. A moment later, Junkrat comes out the door. Coincidence? Hardly. He knew the Junkrat was there, just didn’t realize there’s a wall there.

When Junkrat launches himself at around 2:37, Soldier misses a bunch of shots. A second later, he perfectly aims where the Junkrat is going to be in mid-air and finishes him off with a quick snap.

Dude was blatantly cheating.


Ugh that hurts seeing OW1. I miss that game.


Wacky how Overwatch 2 is so inferior that even just watching cheater POV’s of 1 makes us miss it.


You literally said “I watch flats do exactly what this guy is doing.”

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