Why can Flats have good aim, but others are called cheaters

Wait, you think this guy wasn’t cheating? My dude, it was insanely obvious within the first 30 seconds of gameplay.


Yea… I didnt think he was cheating … So I said I have seen Flats track people and aim that good.

Well, I personally believe the guy in the video was cheating, so there isn’t anything else for me to say. :person_shrugging:

Hopefully the use of the word “didnt” means youve changed and now do indeed recognize that the dude in the video is a bronzie with an aimbot.

I hope to god you are trolling. Yeah he’s REALLY good. He just auto tracks everyone through walls, he must be clairvoyant.


Are you trying to pretend this person with pixel perfect headshot aim isn’t cheating???

This is a tame aimbot, but it’s still painfully obvious. There is good aim and then there is this.


There’s another video on his channel with a JQ trigger bot. Another innocent player accused when he just has a superior gaming chair.


because it’s insanely obvious that this dude is walling and aim locking
there’s a certain subset of habits that develop alongside getting to a higher level of the game, like reacting to cooldowns, not standing in the open, and tightening up their movement to be more efficient/elusive, a lot of smaller nuanced things that have to be explained at a micro level like rotations and an understanding of commanding and demanding space
this guy demonstrates absolutely none of it and doesn’t even react to ultimates, tries to shoot people through walls while also not reacting to bastion solo ulting him
it’s beyond clear that he’s hacking and walling

found a flats frog out in the wild, how neat

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I don’t know what that means. I don’t care for Flats, but I do enjoy seeing cheaters caught. If you thought I was being serious about that trigger bot player being “innocent” let me assure you I was not.

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frog refers to people who just jump around streams, like a frog
and the gamer chair joke gets used alot in his chat
i was making a joke, you see, and jokes are always funnier when you explain them

I think calling that a joke is being generous. At least we can agree cheaters are losers, yes?


losers is a bit kind of a word, but apparently you get silenced for what i want to call them

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:laughing: No argument there, protect yourself!

Well, I personally believe the guy in the video was cheating, so there isn’t anything else for me to

You’re trolling, you have to be. There’s not a single person on this planet that can track like that.

Jay3 stream chat uses the gamer chair trope frequently.

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I think 90% of people doesn’t know how cheating works nowadays in games, so i will explain. I found a video whileback of a dude showcasing a “free cheat” for OW2 in Youtube and reported it to Blizzard, the video now it’s deleted but i remember it had couple hundreds comment saying it really works.

It had these functions:

Aimbotting, and you could choose sensivity for the aimbot, from 1% to 100%, which could make it look like you’re playing on controller with aim assist, or even just help you maintain the crosshair in someone body if you shake too much.

Triggerbot, which most people use nowadays. Triggerbot detects when someone hitbox can be hit with your shots/skills and automatic shoots, making those players look like they have godlike reaction.

Wallhack, which let you see everyone behind walls, even their HP, and where they are pointing at.

And now the hack that scares me the most, which made me rethink most actions in this game, even lucky shots and evades… Reaction hack. This hack let’s you configure certain character skills, timings and occasions where you gonna spam a skill to someone. For example; You’re playing Ana, normally, but you configure the hack to auto shoot sleep in someone flaking you. When they get 5m from you, insta sleep snap. Some PROs do it, why wouldn’t you? Most people say: “Crazy sleep bro! Wow!”, but there’s a cheat to it.
Insta Rein charge to save yourself or cancel other skills. Insta ult when the ult has chance to cancel others. Insta Genji dash + aim to nearby person so you can use his ult like a PRO. All those hacks make horrible people look like they have hundreds and hundreds of hours in the character and the game. Look like they predicted something, that they have awesome reaction, when in reality they don’t even know what happened and the cheat did everything for them.

After i saw the video i started to doubt most people actions. Boy, even i sometimes have crazy reaction and start to think what other people must see. Probably got reported already for some lucky shots, all because THAT cheat exist.

Cheating should be legally counted as a crime, and all websites and cheats be sued and closed down, for the purpose of destroying the fun of people that work 8/12h a day. Games should be able to take law actions agaisnt people caught cheating. It destroys the game, making people quit and developers making less and less money, which they tend to appeal for comestics to try get some of that money they are losing back. People tired from work have a ruined day because they get 3+ games in a row with some kind of cheating and bots. And those 3 games in a row is all they can do after a 12h shift.


Most cheater spectating videos are complete cowshirt made exclusively for clicks. If you want actual cheater videos, Jay3 has some genuine ones, but ofc also a handful of questionable ones.

Anyone who doubts cheats are more common than once a season at most should go play a hero who relies on flanking. The walls are the best tell since the aim aspect is so realistic now.

The sheer number of players who conveniently find me when I’m stood perfectly still in a spot not a single sane person would think to check is wild. And it’s consistent.

Or players who suddenly snap up to the sky when I’m not even in their los and flying through the air without sound.

Once you see it it’s impossible to not notice that cheaters are becoming increasingly common in high ranks.

It’s not every game like some claim but I’m suspicious of at least a couple of players per session and this wasn’t a thing in OW1.


That’s part of the cheat i talk about in my comment. It’s the “reactions” i started to doubt.

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