Why bnet downloading is always so slow?

Seriously every single update I deal with this.
No matter if I set no limits to the download speed, or allow huge number - it downloads painfuly in Kb. Help!
I know my internet is not best, but normaly I download everything in Mb and much faster.
Here I am waiting for 90 Mb update for over 30 minutes and I am stuck on 2(!!!) Mb


i get the same thing for d4 updates but my OW ones are really quick usually.

i find i have to constantly change the download speed because the bnet app is bad at remembering

I am stuck at initializing -_-
Now I am trying every single advice from google, but nothing works…

i know its cliche, but did you restart your system and try again?

Yes. I restarted my whole PC, I restarted my wifi, I restarted the client numerous times, I cleared all my cache, I tried to kill it in task manager and start it again, I turned off my antivirus, my firewall is off,…
Honestly I am tired of this. I have ZERO issues to download my stuff from Steam or other platforms.
It´s always bnet…

I have the same issue. I am trying for an hour now to update the game and it is stuck at 24.99. It is measly 90mb, lol and my internet speed is half a gigabyte. I think I am going to quit to try to update it and just go play Rivals lol.

Is this a console thing? Do you guys not turn on auto updates so it was done 4 days ago?
Yes, it goes slower when everyone is doing it at the same time. I learned that back in WoW.

was sitting with 0-24 kb for the last 40 mins for game to update at last 2% (PC euro)
love it

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No it is not a console thing and pre downloaded content is already predownloaded. Now for some reason it cannot do a measly 90mb download to update the game.

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This is one reason I swapped over to steam for overwatch as the download is much faster there then bnet

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Have you looked at your firewall ever? Blizz has 2 or 3 ports you open up and these problems stay gone.
Did it years ago.

It’s really slow, at first I thought it was because I was downloading Path of Exile II, but that’s not the reason.

I never had any issues before with any battlenet download up until now with this one.

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Blizzard wants to edge you.

I am on PC, I always have pre - update few days before and than this “small” update during launch and it often get stuck on initializing…

i used to have this problem but i “fixed” it by playing another online (or any internet demanding) games while the BNet downloading the update in the background for some unexplained reason.

My download is pretty fast since this month, i guess the problem fixes itself.

Lol, I would go into Hearthstone, but that also wants update xD that will be a great fun too I guess, but thanks

I initializing OVERWATCH now for OVER 1 hour (on PC)… i am sick of it


Blizzard let me play your game challenge

You have any other online game to play while you download? surely there’s one.