omg someone helped me he wrote: " OK I FIXED IT. Switch region to America and then PAUSE!! restart and it should work!!
You have to pause and restart otherwise it’s not gonna work"
maybe this will help you guys as well i hope for you all!!
omg someone helped me he wrote: " OK I FIXED IT. Switch region to America and then PAUSE!! restart and it should work!!
You have to pause and restart otherwise it’s not gonna work"
maybe this will help you guys as well i hope for you all!!
Initializing for almost 90 minutes now (8 MB of 67 MB). I tried everything but nothing works. Changing to another region works for a few minutes then it gets totally stuck. EVERY season start I cannot play due to this. So incredibly annoying.
I chose dinner xD
I am on 95% downloading but it takes forever for whatever reason
They messed something up big.
Have the same issue
It moves, but very slowly
The pre-download was just not woking for me. I’ll have to see if it works this time whenever I get to my PC tomorrow.
Same problem, 90 mb patch initializing for hours. I’ll try to play rivals while OW2 is updating kek.
Swapping regions and pausing seemed to speed it up briefly,so I just kept doing it until now, and it’s ready.
I got 1% over 12 minute.
Check that download “speed”, lol. You have something to look forward to
Thanks. For some reason, pretending to be american seems to work a little xD
Omg, thank you. it has been like almost 2 hours trying to download a measly 90mb. It is finally finished now. Blizzard should be ashamed of themselves.
Your solution worked.
Thanks. I changed region from EU to America and now I can play game.
People still use battlenet? The games been on steam for a minute
Most people do. Just fyi
I don´t like steam. I only launch steam, when I go to play game from it, but for some reason Steam takes much more time and memory to launch, than Bnet (which I launch daily for Hearthstone, wow and OW)
Why would a console player ask why BNET is downloading slow.
The difference should be negligible its much faster for downloads simply because of their network and if memory is a problem too are you running like 8 gigs or something?
Using bnet is your first mistake (though ironcially i have a similar funny issue with any steam game).
bnet also has download limiter so make sure you have turned that one off.
Mine has always been full speed, but I once had a friend who had the same problem and it seemed to be due to a bugged install. He uninstalled and reinstalled the game from scratch and hasnt had an issue since.
No, I have 16 GB. I know this machine is a bit older now, but it´s usualy not a problem. Just a bit annoying and since I daily play bnet games - I opt to launch only one launcher