first off, im not arguing against stats or about genjis state, i just want to disprove the devs notion of “genji is fine because of pickrate and winrate yada yada” and why that is not a good metric when their own stats say otherwise to THEIR claims, genji’s pickrate is high, yes, but it is not because he is strong or viable, and to go in depth of what is strong and viable, it is something that will help a hero get to the TOP levels of play alot easier than other heroes, for example, if you get good at tracer, you will have a much easier time reaching GM/T500 than Reaper who is less reliable and less viable in the higher elos, you following me?
because blizzard does not share their stats and keeps a tight mouth on what they release and what they do, we dont know what genjis winrate and pickrate ACTUALLY is, however we could use a third party source which is unreliable but still the only thing we have that is close to any info we can gather.
according to overbuff
Genji had a whopping 11.63% pickrate in season 3 for Grandmaster meaning he was the second most picked dps in GM. checking the top 500 leaderboard, genji, who was the second most picked hero in GM, only appeared 26 times in the front row of heroes, this means, that the success rate of GM genji players getting into top 500 in season 3 was 3%… this is one of the worst if not THE WORST pickrate to placement ratio’s in the entire GAME, to compare and contrast to a similar character to genji whos in an alot of a better state than him, tracer.
Tracer in season 3 had a pickrate of 11.62% and her top 500 placements were 129, mind you, this was a peak poke comp season where supports were crazy and sigma widow ashe/cass all dominated the sniper pool map which was 90% of them at the time, meaning tracer was pretty bad into that meta but she still outplaced genji by a whopping 12% more, which leads to 15% overall success rate for tracer to get into top 500, this gets even worse as we look into heroes that were in the meta pool like widow and cassidy who just stomped on genjis success rate.
this goes without saying but we also have to compare heroes who havent been meta once in overwatch 2 and see their success rate.
Torb is an excellent example of a sleeper pick who has always been good but never meta or popular, he had a pickrate of 3.67% and 15 placements in top 500, this means that torbjorns success rate was 55%, but since the pickrate on him is really low its hard to judge whether this is survivorship bias or him being actually strong WHICH IS ANOTHER REASON of why balancing solely on stats is a horrible decision
[Moderator Edit: Removing direct references to Blizzard Team members in the post. Please review the Overwatch Posting Guidelines.]